Fish soup, parking ticket, gambling and winning money, celebrity houses
Gambling and winning money
Argument husband pink green gambling airport
Gambling with party and green carrot
Changing clothes in the bedroom without closing the curtains. Many legal gambling shop appears in my neighbourhood.
Ex husband was stealing money from me for gambling and stole my pin number and threatened me to give pin number to bank account.
I went to Korea with my school to play a gambling dice game called Ceelo. We also broke into people's house and took their dogs. Everything was so high tech. In one part of my dream, to get to the top floor of the house we were in you had to jump from wall to wall and catch pegs on the wall to get higher and so you wouldn't fall. I didn't tell my parents I was going to Korea I just went. When I got back from Korea I woke up to a boy I used to date in my room, because my dad let him in.
In my hand Gambling cards and cards show A ,2 3 in one colours
In gambling my hand saw 1 2 3