Rekindling a relationship that ended with you emotionally distraught. Being fired from a job youve already moved on from. Falling. Swimming in the ocean with a calm waters n sensation of fun. Creating a civilization on a island and creating my dream man and getting together.
My daughter dreamt of a falling/lost lower canine tooth. What does it mean?
Packing sheets of plastic while wearing flip flops with socks and seeing parts of mountain falling onto roadway
My Baby girl falling off bed
meatballs falling down from the sky
I dreamed that a bomb went off and all the buildings were falling down. I was protected by laying in a ditch and a force was over top of me protecting me.
I dreamed I climbed up a tree and fell out of it. But instead of falling I started drifting away.
Teeth falling out and choking on them
I dreamed about a satellite falling down
I dream of my teeth falling out and new ones replacing them