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Dreams english

Found 123 dreams containing english

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I got a dream where viswanath, km and me were there. So we went to viswanath for some sort of class like he was teaching something. There was Divya beside me so I asked her if the pen was mine, she was so surprised and looking at me, I told her if it's yours let it be, check once and let me know if it's not just return to me. Later in the other scene there was one girl who was very fat so viswanath took her to by telling "tell me what happened that day clearly" (the girl was a abit frightened) along with viswanath km also went to my surprise. So I was writing some notes in my note book, to my utter surprise the book is English grammer and some theory which belongs to my mom, where I have written my name on it, but I observed it was scratched neatly. In the front page there was an old name some ancestral name starting with M. In the next scene, there was a nandini old friend of mine, where she was telling me km told me everything that you were abit upset that you didn't feel anything when you hugged him, I was just calm she informed me that like he told her if I could have shown her some feelings she may have felt that and he was upset about that. In the next scene, i saw a Muslim women down in the apartment where viswanath, girl, km and other man who went to talk to her, were about to return, i saw a scene where km was proposing that Muslim girl, like "why are torturing me, like he was telling her that he love her etc ., stuff I was very much surprised like he was some sort of forcing her and explaining her all kinds of details he was feeling about her. I saw all the stuff in that scene. I was in my home, the house was all empty, nobody was there with me.

I was sitting with A (my classmate who was my friend years ago but transfered and now we don't talk anymore. He seems a bit similar by facial features to me I guess, I'm not sure). The guy I like S was sitting in the same row as me but right at the back. I suddenly got up and went outside. It was independence day and I picked up some flags from outside, however when I came inside they became tissues. And I distributed it among everyone. When I went to S I was a little nervous and thinking the he's similar to my friend W I got sad but anyways he asked me to give me tissues for his friends N as well (he's close with him). In this whole scene, it was white or off-white. Scene changed and we went to a room to get pictures. However, before that A asked me to wear a saari next day and I remembered it's farewell, but I didn't like it. Here the scene was silver or light grey. Next we went to a dark room to click pictures. I saw S as I was sitting but chose not to sit next to him. My mum was there and she gave me my phone which she is not allowed to and she got scolded by a sir due to it. Next due to something S and a guy in between X who in my dream was my friend whereas in reality X is not someone I know. Anyways S told X that I get good marks in English due to my mum being a teacher in the same school. X asked me and I cleared everything out and was kinda angry at S. S gave a sarcastic smile but in my dream I felt he was jealous cause A asked me out for farewell indirectly. Herethescenewasdark incolour. Whatcouldthisdream possiblyindicate ?

I'm in a classroom setting and on the desk is an English exam paper. On the front page is an essay that i should read and answer questions. Unfortunately i fall asleep on the desk only to wake up when the teacher is announcing we should ensure we have answered every question and written our names correctly. I feel pressured and rushed. How I'm i supposed to read the whole essay and answer the questions and it's nearing time to submit the papers. Feeling all the pressure, I'm unable to move past the first question when i wake up. Immediately i feel relieved that the situation was a dream which meant there was no real consequences of failing an exam.

I was in a car with my family excluding my dad and my sister was driving recklessly and then we just got out of the car to find it crashed in the middle of an intersection and it was completely stopped and it was crashed into air. but then i was suddenly seeing random flashes of pictures of the date october 16th written on different surfaces. then i got teleported into a completely empty place with only a wooden sign in it that had the date "october 16th" written on it in both english and my main/1st language.

Met online friend irl and she made me watch a CGI cartoon movie titled "A Streetcar Named Desire" ...it started with siblings singing a song about asses. i remember feeling like i wished the experience I was having were real. the movie was awful, though. at some point in the dream, i was back home and really upset about school. she had came and comforted me after a bad interaction with a teacher who was also a cop. this teacher accused me of being disrespectful and it made me get aggressive. I dreamed I smashed the wall in EJ's room out of anger, using his computer to do it. i stopped when Mak screamed out of fear. this is where i woke up. at some point in the dream i had made a cake while my mom did. she complimented it. felt proud of myself for making it. another reason I was angry is because i was in an english class. we had to annotate notes of our peers and this person had told me i spelled "patronize" wrong even though i didn't, and thought all of my points were wrong and was horrible about it. this is why i smashed EJ's wall. another thing i felt was guilt because i ranted about online friend ghosting me days before she made me watch that movie with her. she also wanted me to come see another one. she said we'd meet up at 9-9 on Sunday. I interpreted this as 9:09. at some point in the movie, there was this principal with a fork for a head. he did something that accidentally upset the kids and they all hate him. but it's possible he was egotistical all along. he called himself sexy.

In my dream we were at church and pastor called for us to testify and the spirit came on me and I started speaking in tongues and it was great except then I realized I was actually speaking English and just reciting random stuff about dreams. Everyone was staring at me and laughing and pastor banished me When I woke up I remembered a few phrases of what I'd been saying and googled them and found I'd been repeating dreams from this site! It's really freaked me out....what's going on????

On the first day, I'm walking along narrow path and I come to pass a Mosque where an Imam startles me. He intercepts me, placing his hand on my left shoulder. He impales my shoulder joint with his Tallon and gestures to the Qur'an he is holding. He asks me with hostility: "would you like to hear it in English or Arabic?" To which I answer: "neither" as I free myself from his grip and continue walking briskly. I sense that my audacity has angered him. I look back to gauge my safety and I see the Imam colluding with another person, talking secretly and pointing me out. This other person seems to take instruction and proceeds to follow me. I periodically look back to stay ahead and the person has morphed into the dress of a Catholic priest while having gained some ground on me. I look again and now he is a Presbyterian minister and stalking me like prey. Next glance he is Rabbi and chasing me. Every time I look back the person adorned a different religious attire, many of which were familiar from various Christian denominations I would ordinarily feel comfortable and friendly towards. I manage to stay ahead of the pursuing adversary. The next day I am walking along the same path and approaching the Mosque. I notice that the Mosque looks more like a cathedral and there are no distinguishable features that tell me it is a mosque, however there is no doubt in my mind that it is a Mosque. I become weary that I am nearly at the spot where the Imam cornered me the day earlier, so I look ahead and walk to the edge of the path in hopes to avoid him. Out of nowhere, he intercepts me and impales between my bones with his claw once again. "English or Arabic?" He hisses, as he begins pulling me towards the mosque. "Neither!" I say, as I painfully rip my flesh to get free. Again I briskly walk and am pursued by a shapeshifter. The third and final day I am walking along the narrow path. I have come to expect confrontation as a permanent obstacle. I consider crossing the road to avoid the ordeal, which would be out of my way and slow me down. Then I think to myself "why should I". Why should I make an alteration to my life and routine for such evil? Instead I march fearlessly towards the usual spot. Sure enough, he jumps out hoping to scare me, but I was expecting him. But before he can insert his claw, like a true martyr I offer my shoulder to him with arrogance and willingness to suffer the pain. This robbes him of much satisfaction as latches on. "Which will it be, English or Arabic?" He asks with malice. I look straight into his black eyes and calmly say "of that book I will hear neither, nor any other tongue".

On the first day, I'm walking along narrow path. I come to pass a Mosque where an Imam startles me. He intercepts me, placing his hand on my left shoulder. He impales my shoulder joint with his Tallon and gestures to the Qur'an he is holding. He asks me with hostility: "would you like to hear it in English or Arabic?" To which I answer: "neither" as I free myself from his grip and continue walking briskly. I sense that my audacity has angered him. I look back to gauge my safety and I see the Imam colluding with another person, talking secretly and pointing me out. This other person seems to take instruction and proceeds to follow me. I periodically look back to stay ahead and the person has morphed into the dress of a Catholic priest while having gained some ground on me. I look again and now he is a Presbyterian minister and stalking me like prey. Next glance he is Rabbi and chasing me. Every time I look back the person adorned a different religious attire, many of which were familiar from various Christian denominations I would ordinarily feel comfortable and friendly towards. I manage to stay ahead of the pursuing adversary.

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