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Dreams dust

Found 199 dreams containing dust

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There is an alley full of shops of goldsmiths and workers. Next to that is a vertical mine, about the width of a pipe. It's full of star and heart shaped sand and dust. I end up at the entrance and enter for n apparent reason. I squeeze in, it's very dark and narrow and it feels like I can't breath anymore. My throat dries up completely. There is sand and rocks all around me, yet still I try to traverse that narrow, suffocating tunnel by crawling. Then the air gets so thin and I can't breathe. But still I manage to get to relatively open space, and I breathe in all the dust. I choke. But then I see a crevice in front of me with a natural magnetic stone because priceless coins are sticking to it. I pick up some of these coins and somehow manage to get out, I don't know how. Once I get out, I'm out of breath but well enough. I can see a hill behind me, and a very small hole. That's where I came out from, I think to myself. I get up and start walking back home, but I meet up with a family member on my way back. They ask me if I'm doing well. I just hold up my hands and tell them that I got them stars. Because the star shaped sand from inside in sticking to my palms. They get very happy and ask me where I always got it from. I just smile and then I faint, ending up back home. Then I wake up distressed

It was night time and there were people gathered very rowdy and intoxicated huge Loud loud evil heavy music I've not heard before was blaring all around me along with people yelling and talking laughing and screaming at eachother and meanly hurling insults. Huge fires in fire pits and it was like some sort of wild bonfire party. But these people were not nice they were rowdy fighting screaming and all sorts of bad things were happening. They gathered around me in a big circle myself with arms tied behind my back and I was disheveled and bleeding from my nose and beat up but not crying. I remember two woman sitting on giant pair of Buffalo Horn mounted on a tall doorway we were in a hastily built structure big enough for a crowd to form the circle around me. The woman were jeering at me calling me names and then people began pushing me some spit on me tearing at my clothes. I was beligerant and caught the eye of the women they were dressed like cowgirls I remember. I remember I said how could you do this I am a woman just like you. They laughed and mocked me. I was raped by men beaten and I didn't cry or stop fighting even when they had me down and the men took turns I didn't cry. Then I was alone everything was gone I just remember miles and miles of dirt and dust blowing all around my body but I wasn't in my body anymore I was looking down at it from above. The silence was awe striking.I think I must have been dead.

Game with different sections where you had to stand and wait in queues to be let to the next part. Like a huge industrial play area with families and adults too. You would run when you were allowed to the next part. The next part could be on a train too which you would run to get on and ride until you had to jump off to the next stop. First time I did it with Charlie and we ran all the way and did it fast Dad did something like propose to mum again and I was really excited to say. The second time I was with Noah and Elliott and their family. Elliot was really excited but Noah said that I just steal the spotlight all the time. I was stood at the front of the queue and was really excited do to the course again and to tell the announcer my mum and dad were having their eternity rings. He walked away.

The computer keyboard is so dusty I can’t clearly see the letters on the keys. I’m not a good touch typist, so I need to see those keys. I wipe the dust away, but it just keeps getting thicker and thicker. I try to type anyway, but I hit the wrong keys and have to keep hunting for the backspace key. I’m frustrated because I have to write. As I frantically wipe away at the dust it gets thicker and darker until my keyboard is covered in the rich, dark, grass-flecked dirt of my flower beds. I keep trying to dig through the dirt and type, but the dirt gets deeper and deeper. I can’t see my keyboard at all, but I dig and paw at the dirt, trying to find it.

I was walking on the rooftop of a school and had to walk a distance to get down. I noticed some students walking to the edge of the building and they stepped off the roof and plunged downwards. One of them was from my drama class at Haig Girls' called Mia. Curious, I looked over the roof and saw that there was a giant trampoline at the foot of the school right where they walked off the roof. I wanted to follow suit but was very afraid. A few girls stepped off the roof in the meantime Opposite this school building is a school called Teck Whye primary school. Suddenly, a flood came. I know it's because of the rain, but I don't remember if I could feel it. The water rose till it reached the roof.at the opposite school, the water had covered the entire roof except for the middle part. Someone came to me on her motorboat and I hitched a ride. : For some reason, after she'd sent me through the centre path of the opposite school roof, I found myself in a mystical but dusty room with many books and artefacts. I don't remember what 1 took, but before I knew it, I was back where I first started, with the flood still happening, holding some books and artefacts in my arms (in paper bags), just as quickly as it started, the water of the flood started to drain and the water levels dropped quickly. I stepped of the rooftop the way Is saw my students did and iwas enveloped by the murky green water I felt the water receding quickly and as I passed through branches very quickly, I landed on the trampoline which now looks like a crash mat. A lady and a man (who was in priest garbs ) met me at the crash mat. I showed them the artefacts and books I'd saved And the priest nodded at me. He told me to take The magick books and leave the rest behind. I asked about the paperbag of bronze people statues who looked like mother many and he said to leave those behind too. I was reluctant to do so, but did as he said and took the magick books.

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