Understand My Dreams

Dreams dragon

A ship, the colors and patterns of my room floats in on the shore, the people are docking it. Later theres a girl arguing with someone upset they're not going to make it to New Orleans. I escape and with me are two other people, one of them I sense is a friend, the other my rescue. We go out on a balcony overlooking the water under the moonlight, there are two water serpents or dragons, we both slither our tongues at each other. The friend is making comedic commentary, though I can't place who they are, as if there is a veil around my eyes. We go inside, he follows me frantically taking me up into his arms. It is only now that I noticed I'm wearing a backless velvet dress, like one I've thrifted before. He said he likes it, asking me if my mother made it. I look deeply into his eyes... We are dancing very close I can feel him, our hips and groin rubbing together. We're getting married he said, but I plea that I am already married, as my eyes dart towards the door.

I was in hell, but also in the nether from Minecraft. I was walking through a tunnel that had holes revealing the outside world. I got to the end of the tunnel and it was this area with a nether portal, a chest, and shadow demons with crocs. They told me how the chest would have stuff to help me fight the Ender Dragon, but I wanted to talk to them before opening it. The demons really liked me besides one, but that didn't matter because that demon was hated by everyone already. He was a jerk so when he left the room and his croc came off I went into the chest to see what was inside and there was an egg and a stick. I took the egg out and cracked it into his croc so when he put his croc on, egg got all over his feet.

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