Understand My Dreams

Dreams digging

Today I dream of me getting married. I think he is a paying guest as a neighbour then my mom and he had some issues. Then it was solved. And he was introduced to me. I think I only said hi to him. The next thing I saw is him and my family digging onion from soil. He have a sister. Then the next thing I saw is us getting married. I saw most of my relatives. I think I'm still doing my degree at the time. The thing I didn't see his face not at all. The wedding ended in the church and I came to my home. A room was prepared for us. I saw his belongings in the bed. Since i am introvert I was not able to become friends with his sister easily. Then the next day near our home there is some kind of building and I saw him going through the gate I followed him. I think he's a dentist. He had a few customers. Then I saw him with my cousin elder brothers going somewhere.

I was driving to work, I noticed as I passed by a bad wreck. The car had hit a telephone pole causing total damage to the front end. People surrounded the car. But I continued on to work. As I was pulling into my my jobs parking lot I noticed a female lion running about. That's when I noticed A mother horse dead with her throat ripped out. Her baby was at her feet writhing from the pain that it's mother was dead. As i began to look around I noticed several horses scattered around dead. My job has nothing to do with animals of any kind. Then I noticed a small mound of dirt and twigs I don't know why but I started digging under it and found a live infant so skinny with a white dress with blue flowers.

My family and I riding on a bus and gets pulled over by cop. Freaking out cause we don't want any trouble. Stand on the side of a road in a big city. Gypsies come out of a building speaking little English. They point at my dress and hair and say they like it. I point at a gypsies hair of dreads and say I like them and show her my dreads. I have beads on my dreads. I turn around and no one is there but a couple of other people from the bus and I'm holding a much younger version of my daughter. I look at the side of a trash can, and see Seoul city and that's where I am. Go across the street with the other people from bus and see and alley we can cut through. We see a man with half a blue face digging through trash and try to find our way out since he's about to attack us. Go to run and get lost between 100 story buildings and now I am in a maze of 1 room apartments with dangerous people. Find a room with a window and I step on a squeaky toy and a guy comes to hurt me and my daughter. Another man shows up and tazes him so I push my daughter out the window then myself, jump a fence and am in green patures.

I had a dream that I was in a grocery store and there was this really tall lady and she had a charter chubbier daughter. The were walking to be, she looked me dead in the eye and said something in Spanish and knocked me into a wall. Hey I called. She turned around standing right in front of me and said she was going to beat me. For some reason I was in shorts and she stuck her nails into my leg and began to hurt me I tried to find some way to make her stop. She was making it bleed. I watching and saw people walk by I would yell and try to get there attention. A store clerk noticed and walked over to me with tears in my eyes I had someone ones attention. She let go of me. I nailed her in the stomach making her bend over and slapped jereaving a mark as I ran away screaming curses at her. I lost both my shoes running and she just followed the blood trail I left. After finding a great hiding spot she stood dead in front​ of me getting a fist full my shirt and lifted me of the ground. Centimeters from her face she said she would kill me. I woke up as her hand drew closer to me. I woke up and now my leg hurts, from where she Wes digging into it

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