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Dreams dagger

Found 22 dreams containing dagger

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The dream started from daggers raining from the sky and I was standing without any shelter but before any dagger could hit me an old man grabbed me from back and pulled me into a shelter standing over pillars and he said to me that these are dajjali daggers and after a while the rain stopped so I moved out of shelter and saw a crowd of dwarfs-not even reaching my knees- running towards me and shouting dajjal is coming run but instead of running I move towards the direction from which dajjal was coming and on my way I start to put my hand between the crowd and collect arrows-black coloured- and make a very big round of them until I reach dajjal and fight him and then I wake up.

I was at school waiting outside in the lunch line when I needed to go to the bathroom. when I got there all the lights were off but there was one red flashing light that made me feel alarmed in some way. on my way back to the lunch line I heard a deep rumbling sound followed by many aircraft a swooping in and dropping bombs on the cafeteria. I ran towards a tree to hide and everyone panicked and tried to grab weapons like sturdy twigs and sharp sticks. suddenly ropes dropped from the planes and little brown alien looking monsters climbed down them. I climbed up the tree only to find a man already up there with wooden arrows and daggers. I grabbed and arrow and tried to stab an alien that was climbing up the tree. I missed, but the man got my back and shot it. I stabbed at another alien and got it straight through the head. too many aliens climbed up the tree and I had to get off. a small kid alien then attacked me with a flail which swung around and hit himself in the eye. I grabbed it and pulled it into a room. it seemed like a nice boy alien so I tried to befriend it and try to find out why they attacked us. the alien told me that we had stolen bees from them. the aliens treated bees very specially and we seemingly didn't. I explained that the bees pollinated flowers for us and that we did not treat them that badly. at the end of the battle we explained it to the other aliens and they left.

I was bit by a shark on my right hand in a dream he was in a pool like in a small front lawn it was made into Lake that went in the house it was at a house I never seen he bit my right hand I saw the sharks sharp teeth I was pulling away but it was hurting I was hitting him and tried to light him with a lighter my fiance came with a dagger she was calm and poked the shark I snatched the dagger and stabbed the shark he let go I remember seeing open wounds and blood and I felt pain one if my fingers was twisted I escape the shark I called my job and told them that I got bit by a shark and they said you're still coming to work right and I went back to work no one believed I was bit by a shark I came back to where the shark was and I was messing with it throwing stuff at it I felt needed revenge on the shark but I didnt I woke up

Having suspected a spy following Krsto, our two lovers arrived and left the public park separately. Zsusanna was there to see Krsto more than the play. It was a very humorous play. One of the actors, Romero, plays a man with a bushy beard and stood there holding his hand in triumph as people laughed. Zsusanna realized she knew so few people in that area. She had only Krsto’s circle of friends: a man in in very stylish suede boots, a woman whose voice narrated the story; a woman whose only voice was the melodic tunes of her lyre, and a bewitching siren, Krsto’s cousin. Bewitched by her lover behind stage, she also did not know that she, indeed, was being watched, or that he had caught a glimpse of someone stirring on the sides. Igor wore common clothing to blend with the townspeople, with a hat tilted to a side, and a patch to cover an eye. He hadn’t shaven in over a week to play the part as well. Jealous of Zsusanna’s presence in Edour’s life had become a hinderance for Istven’s aspiring role in the Protestant Reform, and in the next generation’s attempt to rebuild a country free of foreign rule. More so, he was wary of this woman who appeared from an outer circle, who was as equally educated, if not, more so than himself. What was an extraordinary woman doing being wed to a man who had no interest in women? More so, why did Jankovic agree to this farce? “Ugggggg,” as twisted pain seeped through his blood, and the sound of breaking bones, Igor could feel the point of a dagger piercing into the hairs of his neck. “I suggest you take your traitor self back to the Hungarian shit that spawned you. Get off this peninsula, and never show your face again.” “I am free to…” “You are not free to do anything.” and the crunch of a twisted wrist sent him off as two burly men in dark capes took him into a carriage, riding away, as Zsusanna felt desire dripping beneath her skirts. Istven had the scent of Ocean air about him; clean and light. He sat eating nuts and apricots as lightening lit the sky and the rumble of thunder approached. In his presence I am a ship battling a storm, wandering aimlessly. Sex is not okay with Istven. He has confusion around relationships. “What happened to you,” Zhusanna asked as she spotted Igor curdled in a chair by the window, unable to hold a book or turn its pages with bandaged hand and fingers on both sides. It was all he could do but spit at her. Marija found the encouragement to break the silence. “He no doubt wondered where he shouldn’t.” “I trust my cousin played the searing siren to perfection?” “The Adriatic would be, indeed, pleased!” “As your grandfather, as well.” Igor mentions to Zsusanna who looked bewildered at him. “Any sea-faring pirate of Senj would defend such a treasure!” Zsusanna mocked back, “But you wouldn’t know of such lust, Igor.” A bit of tension was building in the room. Zsusanna was not oblivious of Marija’s eye for Istven. She would just happen to appear outside his door in Reijeka or at the piazza, always appropriately placed five feet behind brother Antun or conniving Igor. Antun had studied law at university with Igor and Istven, together, in Austria. Marija was a woman, devious and determined, to get what she wanted. What she wanted was entitlement and Istven was the source for this wanna-a-be. Her dear husband Zoran, an unlucky man once the vows of marriage bound them, sweet, giving, and oblivious to the Upper Hungarian dragons, claiming loss to the Frankopan fortunes when ….was slain with my uncle and grandfather. One of thousands of noble widows dispersed without claims depending on beguiling ways of sanctity. 1693 carriage scene 2 hrs 1693 krsto and who he is 1693 Zsuzana AND ISTVEN BEGIN AFFAIR 1693 MARI POISONS HUSBAND ZORON SAVROVIC, AGE 31, 1693 TRUTH REVEALED KRSTO

I had powers and a set of changeable wings. I kept them hidden so nobody knew. at school I was in the middle of a writing session were my evil auntie, who was an anti-Christ, came and tried to attack me. to protect myself, I used my powers, forgetting about my class mates. she managed to to hit me with her dagger in my shoulder. I extended my wings and used them as a shield to protect myself from anymore damage. my auntie somehow managed to hit me with a half dead potion which put put me in a deep sleep. luckly I ws kissed awake.

Garrett wanted to ask Miss Tairee about something, but when he turned away for a moment, she turned into the Hag and began crawling towards him over the desk. He tried to draw his dagger, but then two burly Mechanists approached him from behind. One of them grabbed Garrett in an iron grip that robbed him of all strength, while the other systematically took away all his equipment and put it into a bag, all the while laughing and sneering at the thief. The moment Garrett was released, he felt that he could move again, and ran out of the library. In the street, the glow of a Keeper Door Glyph caught his eye, and with relief he opened the passage and sneaked in. He came into a room full of Keepers, all of which looked upon him with disapproval, and First Keeper Orland angrily scolded Garrett for interfering in the initation ceremony. Today the Keeper order was taking in a new member — it was Cole, who in the black initiate garb looked oddly like a scared rabbit. Orland continued to explain that Cole would be a major asset for the order. Finally, he said, the cryptic ancient prophecies would be made clear, because Cole can use his mind-reading skills to read the writers' thoughts. Garrett scoffed at the idea and tried to ask what about the writers who were already dead, but everyone ignored him and left, and now he was alone in the dining room. Alone? No, that girl, Shiara, was sitting at the other end of the table, playing with her cat. And behind her, one of the Hag's animated statues was approaching. It was going to splatter the kitten over the walls and smash in the girl's skull. He tried to warn her, to save her, but his body felt like lead and he could only whisper...

I was outside of my dormitory with two friends who attend the school with me. we were standing and then noticed a rattling sound in a tree next to us. the tree had no leaves since it was winter time. after focusing on the sound we notice that the rattling noise was coming from what looked like a bird, but after it flew directly towards my face i then noticed the animal wasn't a bird but a tiny brown bat.i was thinking what is a bat doing out in the day time it must be confused, poor thing. there after we noticed these large creatures flying in the sky that were swirling above in the sky. they looked like huge birds but after the creatures began to swirl in closer i noticed that it was a beautiful white horse, that looked fat and strong with like lightning blue squiggly designs on it. along side it was also a healthy looking very pink, fat pig. both had wings and were flying. the animals landed onto the ground and then a van pulled up and they ended up in the van somehow with these men who seemed dangerous. i felt as though the men were killers but would not kill me nor my friends. we were not on their kill list. however the pig ended up being stabbed with a dagger and began to run out of the van. the horse ran after it and rounded it up back into the van. my friends and i also ended up in the van. the pig was hurt but wasn't bleeding. the puncture was one that would cause major bleeding if the object inserted was to be pulled out. the horse seemed to be the big's guardian.

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