I am in a school and my bike gets stolen, and the teachers fight back by turning into chess pieces and battling using chess
Mais plus encore, c'est l'hybridation (lire ci-dessous) qui est au centre du travail de l'artiste belge. 獷n croisant depuis une quinzaine d'ann閑s, des poules issues de diff閞entes esp鑓es et de diff閞ents pays, Koen Vanmechelen esp鑢e cr閑r un poulet cosmopolite, symbole, selon lui de la diversit?globale. Par m閠aphore, il esp鑢e ainsi montrer que pour l'homme aussi la diversit?est avant tout une richesse.?Un travail repr閟ent?par les portraits g閍nts et color閟 des diff閞entes g閚閞ations de poules obtenues par l'artiste et un constat simul?par la pr閟entation de s閝uences Adn d'une de ces hybridations. 獻l appara顃 sur l'Adn du poulet obtenu par croisement, un nombre beaucoup plus important de "?picots?" que sur celui de ses parents, ce qui tend ?prouver une plus grande richesse des caract鑢es avec toutefois le maintien des sp閏ificit閟 de chacun de ses g閚iteurs. Un peu comme chez les chiens dont on dit que les crois閟 sont g閚閞alement plus intelligents.?
Dream that my pastor looked old and when I introduced my brother while holding hands with him but he didn’t know that it was really my brother and my pastor looked extremely old and ugly like a dead corpse his face but after they shook hands and smiled he turned back to his original face but then looked old again when they were both playing chess
I was floating in a black space where there was nothing visible other than a checker board and a chess board. then a loud voice said "so, are you in a game of chess, or a game of checkers?" and then i fell like a water droplet onto the boards and was being tossed around.
I played Garry Kasparov at Fischer random chess 960 I did not know the rules, so just tried to copy what he did, but I lost anyway.
My dream last noght was horrid… It gave me an explanation of why some people barely talk to me andtend to avoid me now. Even sending me false texts that I though were real. Emily send me a text saying hey, I refused to respond given how little she responds to me, my subconcius actions are sometimes cruel. Then Matias showed me something horrible… Something really depressing to myself. One of my past favorite friends of the past, Jonathan, simply rejected me because he felt I was annoying, a loser, someone who just made him look bad. Mattias brought me to multiple scenes where he expressed this idea into why I could not be invited to hangout with them after classes. In the last event he could see me simply because I wished it to be true. He looked at me in disgust and told me I was a loser and to get away. I don’t know how I feel about this. Afterwards I left without saying a ward, fistbumped Mattias my thanks (alongside nodding thank you) and left. Later on I was in a rush to get away from something or someone so I hid in my mind’s version of Ryan’s house (we were also being yelled at by the school’s security guard along the way since he knew we didn’t live in these buildings). For some reason as well Meghan was there (she had her own room). I slept in a separate room alongside my dad while Kaitlin slept in Meagan’s room (for some reason my dad gave the suggestion if I wanted to sleep in her room, I had declined with “No! That’s weird”). Later me and Kaitlin were setting up a game of chess along a beautiful background of the seaside (the ocean wasn’t present next to the house before this scene).
Wacht out onum message confront talk autumn kiss mcdonalds chesseburger be there for here stand against other boys red light smile jealousy bike destroy forrest rain water rape victim
I was floating in a pitch black space where there was nothing visible other than a checker board and a chess board. then a loud voice said "so, are you playing a game of chess, or a game of checkers?" and then i fell like a water droplet onto the boards.
Saving the duchess
My dream last night was horrid… It gave me an explanation of why some people barely talk to me and tend to avoid me now. Even sending me false texts that I thought were real. Emily send me a text saying hey, I refused to respond given how little she responds to me, my subconscious actions are sometimes cruel. Then Matias showed me something horrible… Something really depressing to myself. One of my past favorite friends of the past, Jonathan, simply rejected me because he felt I was annoying, a loser, someone who just made him look bad. Mattias brought me to multiple scenes where he expressed this idea into why I could not be invited to hangout with them after classes. In the last event he could see me simply because I wished it to be true. He looked at me in disgust and told me I was a loser and to get away. I don’t know how I feel about this. Afterwards I left without saying a ward, fistbumped Mattias my thanks (alongside nodding thank you) and left. Later on I was in a rush to get away from something or someone so I hid in my mind’s version of Ryan’s house (we were also being yelled at by the school’s security guard along the way since he knew we didn’t live in these buildings). For some reason as well Meghan was there (she had her own room). I slept in a separate room alongside my dad while Kaitlin slept in Meagan’s room (for some reason my dad gave the suggestion if I wanted to sleep in her room, I had declined with “No! That’s weird”). Later me and Kaitlin were setting up a game of chess along a beautiful background of the seaside (the ocean wasn’t present next to the house before this scene).