In my dream, I had come out of a day-dream a group of people wearing the same uniform as me we were in some type of city or town and in the distance I notice an explosion in a church/cathedral were ordered to go inside and rescue civilians. As people are running out of the building I take point and head in to the building first. The building was hot, filled with smoke and had badly scorched walls I begin weaken and loss my breath the group I was with is no longer behind me. I then noticed people drape in white and fall unconscious. I reawaken only fine that I have been tied to a stone table and was surrounded by the people draped in white and the group I was with earlier. They begin to chant and set me on fire the pain was so real that I had awakened May 09, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Bottom of huge cave. Family lived there. I climbed up wall away from campfire light into darkness. Up and up I climbed. Until, at a distant, the cave wall showed a faint silhouette of a doorway. Made my way totally exhausted to a outcrop of rock which was the floor before the door. I felt around to find a handle then opened the enormous door to find a large cathedral cave with a flat stone floor reaching into the long hallway straight before me. Slowly I walked down the hallway the became smaller and smaller about the size of... December 09, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Cathedral, darkness, torture, trapped, dead bodies, mysterious woman, escape March 30, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was standing over two stone made graves of angels at cemetery and an my parents were beside me at dusk . I saw 5 statues of angels. Cathedral was near by. February 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
The room is in a large historical grand basilica style building. The room has huge columns holding up high cathedral domed ceilings. The room has no furniture. The room’s only natural light source came in through many windows and open doorways to semi-dimly light the room. I was being judged unfairly because the 3 white people did not give me a chance to defend myself to the 1 white person they were speaking to. It’s daytime, I entered a room and see 3 casually dressed white people (1 female, 2 males) I did not recognize life in real but supposedly knew in the dream. In the dream, the 3 white people knew me. The 2 (1 female, 1 male) of the 3 white people were standing talking negatively about me as if they were trying to discredit me unfairly (because I was not given a chance to understand what is being said against me and not given a chance to defend myself) to another white person (1 male who he did not know me and seemed neutral) who is dressed in a standard government military attire. He is a person having authority (but acted as an ambassador or a guide in his position). I felt the need to be given a chance to be heard and to be understood instead of left to feel wrongfully accused of something I was not even given a chance to understand in this dream to have caused the 2 white people not to like me. In frustration to understand the situation and resolve it, I attempted to approach the group of white people. I am outside in the desert standing in a crowd of white people during the day. The entire nation is in danger and all people are trying to escape. I am in the crowd trying to investigate what is causing the danger and to try to find out why everyone are rushing and panicking to leave and where. Massive amounts of white people rushing to secure a spot in any of the two separate lines to enter checkpoint to the departure gateways. Looking up from below a nearby staircase, I again see 2 of the white people who do not like me. The 2 white people look at me (It was at this point in the dream I realized in real that I’ve been involved in a series of this particular dream. They urgently followed the white person with authority who led them to walk through a solid rock wall similar to the Jerusalem walls. Their bodies passed through a solid rock wall. I later discover the wall is separated in 4 consecutive sections and appear to be solid rock. However, each block is embossed with an arched border framing a secret portal. The portals are not obvious because there were no visible physical door to open. I ran up the top ridge of an inclined wall where there was a wide (about 10 foot wide), flat, and clean path with a clean brushed steel railing I did not use along the path. When I arrived at my destination, I rushed up to the 1st solid rock portal I saw from my left standing in front of me. Without doubt and without hesitation, I easily walked through the solid rock wall with confidence and urgency to seek for answers and explore. The experience if walking through solid wall was the same as walking without obstruction. In my urgency to enter, I was able to glimpse a posted note written on a blue lined white paper like a piece of paper torn from spiral bounded notebook. The note was pinned on the rock wall with a red push pin tack. The note stated that particular portal next departure will leave at 10:31. The note was clearly understood by me that whoever enters this particular portal would have to wait until being transported from inside the portal. Within the few seconds that I spent inside the portal, I realized the size inside the portal was more of a comfortable pod size. I understood the portal holding morphs into a comfortable standing space of the passenger. From within this portal, I understood the portal is meant to transport 1 person at a time to a destination away from Earth –a destination that is at least neutral or safer than the definite annihilation of good humanity that will happen for those who stay behind who will be devoured by evil conquest. I quickly decided to leave this particular portal to try to enter any of the other 3 portals that have no delays in transport because I was eager to investigate the situation and also try to find out where the 2 white people went with that 1 white person who appeared to have authority. I walked out of the initial portal of the solid rock wall. I was going to enter the portal right next to it (the 2nd from my left facing the rock wall), but I thought there is a higher chance someone is already in it, so I chose to try to enter the 3rd portal door from my left which was a few more steps away and because of this reason could have a higher chance of it being unoccupied. I rushed toward it but just as I was about to enter, I woke up in real life. August 25, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
On the first day, I'm walking along narrow path and I come to pass a Mosque where an Imam startles me. He intercepts me, placing his hand on my left shoulder. He impales my shoulder joint with his Tallon and gestures to the Qur'an he is holding. He asks me with hostility: "would you like to hear it in English or Arabic?" To which I answer: "neither" as I free myself from his grip and continue walking briskly. I sense that my audacity has angered him. I look back to gauge my safety and I see the Imam colluding with another person, talking secretly and pointing me out. This other person seems to take instruction and proceeds to follow me. I periodically look back to stay ahead and the person has morphed into the dress of a Catholic priest while having gained some ground on me. I look again and now he is a Presbyterian minister and stalking me like prey. Next glance he is Rabbi and chasing me. Every time I look back the person adorned a different religious attire, many of which were familiar from various Christian denominations I would ordinarily feel comfortable and friendly towards. I manage to stay ahead of the pursuing adversary. The next day I am walking along the same path and approaching the Mosque. I notice that the Mosque looks more like a cathedral and there are no distinguishable features that tell me it is a mosque, however there is no doubt in my mind that it is a Mosque. I become weary that I am nearly at the spot where the Imam cornered me the day earlier, so I look ahead and walk to the edge of the path in hopes to avoid him. Out of nowhere, he intercepts me and impales between my bones with his claw once again. "English or Arabic?" He hisses, as he begins pulling me towards the mosque. "Neither!" I say, as I painfully rip my flesh to get free. Again I briskly walk and am pursued by a shapeshifter. The third and final day I am walking along the narrow path. I have come to expect confrontation as a permanent obstacle. I consider crossing the road to avoid the ordeal, which would be out of my way and slow me down. Then I think to myself "why should I". Why should I make an alteration to my life and routine for such evil? Instead I march fearlessly towards the usual spot. Sure enough, he jumps out hoping to scare me, but I was expecting him. But before he can insert his claw, like a true martyr I offer my shoulder to him with arrogance and willingness to suffer the pain. This robbes him of much satisfaction as latches on. "Which will it be, English or Arabic?" He asks with malice. I look straight into his black eyes and calmly say "of that book I will hear neither, nor any other tongue". June 27, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
Season of persimmons and spoons omens of snowfall heaven unblessed blushed twilight milky moon tenderness swelling summer cicada strawberry insect bites bruised fruit plum syrup magnolia molasses gas station slushie cutting hair casting spells cherry icee rain gutted roof tornado season september loveless sweetvoice butterscotch milkweed milkshake thickets eyelashes sweetbriar hmyns meadowsweet cacoon cathedral moth apparations pink fog shrine crickets February 09, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I had this weird dream last night me and my entire family were on vacation some where not quite sure where any how my little girls father shows up after a year wanting to be part of our lives and wants us to move in with him. and we spend all day together talking and playing with the baby. then something happens im not sure what but everyone starts running and hiding but im just so happy to see him I don't pay any attention to anything else. but in the dream we end up hiding in some big cathedral. I was woke up before my dream was over so im not sure how it ended. March 04, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was standing in cemetery over two old stone graves of angels. I saw statues of five angels. Cathedral was near by. dusk. mother and father February 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis