Understand My Dreams

Dreams canopy

I had a dream that i was floating on something on still murky water next to a long road. and i was with two other friends (i cant remeber) and i fell off of the floating object a few times. but when i finally got out of the water i recieved money from the friends and they left me on the road alone...im not sure what that means. and before i started having this dream i had a dream i was with my mother and there was a huge alligator. i pushed him off of the canopy we were sitting on and he fel into water but he was asleep. then i decided to leave and not wake the gator because i thought he would attack me. so as i was leaving i came back to the area where i pushed the gator and i relized there was a kitchen. so i started to sneak my way into the kitchen (i must say there was water everywhere) and the gator awoke and started watching me and i got really nervous. so i then woke up to reality. im 38 weeks pregnant and im wating for my babygirl to come. any interpretations?

I am at a concrete airport. Everything is rounded and made of concrete. I get on a plane with few people on it and we start down the runway. Just at the point where we should take off the plane suddenly nose dives downward and the wingtips are just missing the trees of a rainforest as we zoom on. We suddenly start moving in an upward direction and still just missing the trees we break through the canopy of the trees into bright sunshine and seem to slow down. I wake up. Fantastic, just like a fairground ride. I hope I have the dream most nights but it has only occurred about three or four times.

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