I was back at my old place of employment at an arabian horse ranch in Tx.. Although there were many changes in personnel and horses, I still felt a kin ship with the broodmares and foals I had raised. I was able to see the horses just as I left off, but all the help changed. even the owner was now scraping to keep everything up and animals fed. I was like a "rock star" coming back to the ranch, but did not know if I could ever really fit into the new way of doing things. I left this ranch about 25 years ago, but never left my love of the Arabian horses. funny thing was< I remembered all the names of all the horses, even the foals and bloodlines........I wanted to be there, but at the same time had a hard time dealing with the changes...... I
I can't give a location but i am with a couple of people i know who recently had their child and me and my girlfriend and with them during the labor for some reason, i don't know why, then at some point, i am never awear of any passage of time in my dreams, it turns out my girlfriend is also pregnant and in labor out on nowhere. my reaction from the dream is horror, i am terrified she is having a child, feeling geniune fear and horror at the idea, scared and unsure about being a parent given how i wouldn't be able to look after it, there is also a small moment of me saying that impossible becuase she has only bee pregnant for a few moths, she cannot be in labor( i am currently 18 and only in college education and she herself has been brooding for a child in reality for several months now, me always saying no and that we are not ready). then, in a instant, my friends had their child but disappear and even though i never saw it and wasn't there, apparantly the child my girlfriend had did not make it, i can not find her although i know she is mortified, someone approches me about it, says something i cannot remember what and i burst into tear, really feeling like i am crying, as i would in real life. then i wake up but i am not crying myself, just compleatly confused