I dreamt that early in the morning before it was light took a basket of food to a work colleage for her father (her father is no longer alive I whenever met him) I didnt have to go far so I went in just my nightdress and no.shoes however I couldn't find my way home each time I thought I had found the way there was another dead end . My feet were cold and sore I grew very tired was also.embarrassed as the day went on and there were people.around at one point I ended up in some sort of builders yard and workmen could see me .so I decided to take side streets but I could myself further away from home and exausted February 16, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream two huge boys enter into our congregation and they brough a big basket full of groundnuts, biscuits, and eggs, pepople where taken a maximum of two or three but i came and carry the ramaning in the basket to keep with me November 27, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about beelzebub. I was in the same sleeping position under the blankets, and the demon was in the form of a huge fly. Although I didn't see it i could guess by the sound of it approaching me that it was even bigger than a basketball and although I have absolutely no idea of how the demon's appearance looks like, the moment it all started i was so sure that it was Beelzebub and nothing else. February 25, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I was looking at everything through my own eyes as I would if I were awake but I was literally flying around our own solar system and I remember this very vividly because I actually reached out and touched one of Saturn's rings I found a friend along the way and we flew together around the other outer solar system planets Pluto included and then flew straight back to Earth and landed on her feet on a basketball court and then I woke up February 01, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
It was my birthday and he was there as well and there was selena gomez at my birthday too announcing stuff and we were at like a super rich house for my birthday and then after the party we went to go clean up and all of a sudden we were at sip for my birthday with tracy and braxton and then there was a bunch of construction people that came in and said that we needed to put in a bed so i walked into a room and it turned into my mom and dads room and i was holding a baby i think it was zaya for sure and they did a super big bed in and i left zaya in the laundry basket to go wash the dishes and braxton was cleaning up the room near the bathroom so he was there then i looked at him and he looked at me and we made eye contact and it was so awkward but he then said that he liked me and stuff and in my head i was thinking like umm i have a boyfriend i gotta go tell shane and then we went home very awkward and then braxton texts me like “i’m really sorry i know you have a boyfriend but i just couldn’t help it like you’re tiny, pretty, sparkley, orange,” and then sent like lipstick, a painting emoji and some other weird emojis October 11, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis