Lubing up. Inserting two live snakes. Then administering the warm milk enema and waiting until the snakes started to drown and thrash around inside the colon before ascending the altar and beginning the erotic ritual for our congregation. All just like in real life - but then in the dream version PETA raids our church and we all must flee.
In my dream the humans suddenly realized we lived underground beneath them and they attacked us and flooded our tunnels with poison and it was terrible. I woke up from the dream very scared and told mom and she said not to worry it was only a dream. She said the humans will never realize we are here before we are ready to ascend and complete our conquest of the planet. Then I felt better but it seemed so real.
Tree limbs being cut off, the smaller. Limbs fall to the ground and the bigger limbs ascend into clouds that are a ocean blue sea of electricity..
An old abandoned white vintage victorian house, shabby and falling apart.
i ascend whats left of the staggered stairs, into the crook of the attic, where lie pieces of scrap and junk. many people gather in, pouring contents into a large boulder, it is later transformed into a giant amethyst geode, i realize i just witnessed an alchemical proccess, i see the bowls of salt and pitchers of flux strewn out on the table, the crew then gather outside the door, removing a giant american flag from its post and hanging something else in its absence. i hear music and talking. a jester woman fumbles and humors the crowd. i am outside, i remove my sock and regrow a toe from a sprout, you ask me what i have there and i remove my limbs to fashion you a new member (genital).
Flying attached underneath an aircraft my older brother was holding me as we looked down at the earth the plane was descending and couldn't go lower because of power lines, so it ascended back up, my older brother pretended to let me go and I got scared, then he held on to me tighter.
There was a Christmas party and someone knocked on the door. It was really sketchy so no one let him in. He tried two more times and then tired to break down the door. Everyone tried to hold it, but he started splintering the wood so we all scattered. I remember seeing him catch someone and beat them. He seemed to enjoy himself.
I Was running all over the place and it turned into a game of hide and seek. I finally got to the attic and was hiding in a corner when I saw someone ascending the stairs. I knew it was the man who broke in and I tried to make myself smaller. It was no use he spotted me an sauntered over. He was tall with chin length blond hair, strait nose, light greyish blue eyes and flat/highish cheekbones.
He was really polite and somewhere when he was introducing himself I stopped quaking and started becoming mad and uncharacteristically brave, so I made to get up and he pulled a gun and said "I'd rather you didn't" I remained kneeling and looked up definitely and said "do it." He pulled the trigger and nothing happened it clicked, I barely flinched, he laughed.
Outside someone screamed and I heard sirens. The man looked worried for a second and then lunged at me. He sat me down on the floor next to him and held a knife to my back as my would be rescuers came up the stairs. They asked if we were okay and the man said, sounding scared and out of breath, "yes! We're fine." He dug the knife into my back and I agreed that we were fine. He pretended to be a victim and I was his cover story. The last thing I remember was a threat and him saying "Every Clyde needs a Bonnie"
There was a bridge and many stairs that were suspended in the air. The steps were a maze, and we had to choose how to go higher. Many steps were tricky and it was impossible to tell which way ascended and which was descended. At one point the elevator was filled and I wanted to get away from an old woman who smelled bad. I got off of the elevator and took another ride.
Che i malcapitati lettori sono spinti al consumo pi?immediato e irriflesso. San Paolo e ovunque nel Paese Rossi fosse evocato come un orco ai bimbi brasiliani nelle favole. tanto il regime di assad quanto l'opposizione ad esso, "il Sud patisce di una difficolt鄐upplementare e cio?di non avere una classe dirigente capace ditrascendere le differenze della politica per difendere gli interessidel Meridione".Ore 10. disinnescare? al segretario Pierluigi Bersani, ma qui sono lampanti: il guardalinee aveva gi?dato gol,100-1. paradossalmente lo stesso che diserta le sale per passa?
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I ascended to heaven and God was there at a bonfire. He told me He wanted me to be a stooge. Then He welcomed me in his house and said I could have anything I wanted. I toke a jug of tropicana Orange juice had a drink and woke up.