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Dreams me in

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was friends with this guy, &' he had the biggest crush on me; I noticed he would look at me when I wouldn't notice. He played around a lot, too. Somehow he ended up dying. He had wrote a paper about me in english, and I ran around the whole school to find the teacher who's class he wrote it in, when I finally found the teacher, he wouldn't let me read it. My heart was broken, I cried through the whole dream. He was very cute, but further into the dream, he became bald &' looked like someone I go to school with in reality. My boyfriend in reality was brought up a few times, and thought of, but I never saw him in my dream.

I was sat on the floor outside where I used to go to college, it was a lovely hot sunny day and there were two guys across the road laughing about emojis on clothing, and a group of girls on my side of the road a few feet away laughing about the same idea, so I started shouting idea about what'd look good and came up with watermelon on ripped white jeans, and one of the girls thought it must have been the best idea ever because she came up and hugged me and invited me into their group. So when I got up and walked down they were smoking a couple joints between em, but they didn't offer me any yet. Anyways there's a bit of a gap between being there with the group of girls and waking up to see my finished tattoo. Which the tattooist had ruined, and I realised I'd probably been drugged, because the head and mane was okay, but the horn wasn't in its head, instead it looked like the head was attached to a walking cane and the horn was attached to the curved end but shaped like a butt plug!! And I had to live with it so I went back to my house and my sister was in the bedroom and the group of girls was just leaving, but they left me half a joint in the windowsill so I smoked it out the window, and as I put it out a green skull flashed before me and that was a symbol that I would have a nice high and not a bad one.

This is a repeated dream it starts off as a fun kind of maze through a home the home is unfamiliar to me other than occurring in my dream each room has a way of a different escape whether it be tactical or intellectual it starts off very easy getting through the room is just kind of looking around for key the next is there are creatures that are kind of frightening slipknots in the corners kind of as like a fear arises it makes it harder to get through the house I am usually with the same group of people every time in the dream every now and then one face will change to faces will change towards the end groups of the people on With diminish my mother usually ends up no longer being through the maze being stuck in a particular room I do not notice till the very end the end of it my my mother usually ends up no longer being through the maze being stuck in a particular room I do not notice till the very end the end of it my sisterWho is in every reoccurrence of the stream find our way out of the last room which is always the hardest always the scariest she goes up this long stairway and when I look up sheis very young she is on top of a book case or bookshelf she says she's never seen this room before there is a moment when I look away towards a bed in there my sister is laying on it there is a unfaced is very young she is on top of a book case or bookshelf she says she's never seen this room before there is a moment when I look away towards a bed in there long black haired creature holding her when I look back to the book shelf where she was there is now a doll that looks like her I walk over to the bed and try to trade out the doll for my sister it takes a minuet but it work I then get her put her on my hip and leave the room when I look at her when we arrive at the end of the stairs she is holding a little doll I always rip it open and a saw dust component falls out revealing a key to the final door the escape I look around and notice my mother is no where I fear and I start working backwards at super fast speeds running through all previous room it's is so fast so full of adrinalin I awake and am usually really nervous or awaken with a freight

I am 12, 13 next month. I am at my high school getting ready to get married. The groom was a boy from my primary school, who had a crush on me for 3 years. As the hours drag on, he never turns up. I am a very anxious person, I worry and fear just about everything. I am getting scared and nervous. Is he ditching me??? My dad and brother go out to get him. They come back and mouth "we found him!" I am filled with relief and happiness until he walks through the door. Not my fiancée...a boy from my high school class. (I have never had a crush on this boy or found him crushable.) I tell him that I'm sorry but I can't marry him, but he is very nice and handsome. The dream ends with me in my wedding dress, and an intense feeling of despair. *I got my "fiancée"'s number in real life, we used to text. But whenever I text him now he completely ignores me. My friend told me "he's over you." a couple of weeks ago. This actually made me really sad, although I refused to show it, and said "good."* Hope you can interpret my dream, it's really bugging me xox

Okay in my dream I was at the beach with my family and there was this guy with a blimp and it fell to the ground but I caught it and I won a prize but then I don't really remember what happened but my aunts new husband wanted to kill me and so did my mom so we were in the beach house and they took something hard like a vase and hit me in the head. I saw my body dead, I was dead. But then I left my body and ran to this police officer that was guarding the beach and said " Please, you have to help me I have been killed please believe me. " and after looking at me like I was stupid she started walking toward the beach house. And I sat there for a minute then I walked to the road behind the beach where the actual front of the beach house was and there were tons of flashing cameras, people watching, and 2 or 3 ambulances. and cops cars everywhere. The door to the house was open and people where coming in and out and I saw my mom and she just gave me an evil smirk like she could still see me. Then my boyfriend saw me, and ran up to me and hugged me and told me it would be okay. And I cried so hard that I woke up from my dream crying.

I have had nightmares almost my entier life. I have dreamed of death before. It always rattled me because I have always had the feeling that I will die young. I've accepted this feeling and I have accepted that I will die but I try not to focus on it too much because life is short. In this dream, I don't remeber the beginning which is odd because I always remeber my dreams. I remeber being at the a huge carnival and amusement park. Something happened, and it turnee out to be some awful thing. I don't know what happened but everyone was suddenly dyeing for differrent reasons. I found myself sitting outside and my skin was turning blue from cold. I saw someone's face who.I am pretty sure was a made up person from dreams when I was younger. He grew up with me in my mind before, in a dream, he drowned. But this was him, only older. He watched me freeze to death. When I died, it was like I was swollowed by darkness. Then a small light appeared in the center of the dark. It glowed, dimmed, the grew. I teyed to move toward it. I relized that I didnt hsve a body. I wasnt a girl or a boy or qnything. I was just a soul trying to movetoward a light and thats when i woke up.)

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