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Dreams me in

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

Garrett wanted to ask Miss Tairee about something, but when he turned away for a moment, she turned into the Hag and began crawling towards him over the desk. He tried to draw his dagger, but then two burly Mechanists approached him from behind. One of them grabbed Garrett in an iron grip that robbed him of all strength, while the other systematically took away all his equipment and put it into a bag, all the while laughing and sneering at the thief. The moment Garrett was released, he felt that he could move again, and ran out of the library. In the street, the glow of a Keeper Door Glyph caught his eye, and with relief he opened the passage and sneaked in. He came into a room full of Keepers, all of which looked upon him with disapproval, and First Keeper Orland angrily scolded Garrett for interfering in the initation ceremony. Today the Keeper order was taking in a new member — it was Cole, who in the black initiate garb looked oddly like a scared rabbit. Orland continued to explain that Cole would be a major asset for the order. Finally, he said, the cryptic ancient prophecies would be made clear, because Cole can use his mind-reading skills to read the writers' thoughts. Garrett scoffed at the idea and tried to ask what about the writers who were already dead, but everyone ignored him and left, and now he was alone in the dining room. Alone? No, that girl, Shiara, was sitting at the other end of the table, playing with her cat. And behind her, one of the Hag's animated statues was approaching. It was going to splatter the kitten over the walls and smash in the girl's skull. He tried to warn her, to save her, but his body felt like lead and he could only whisper...

We wer asleep in my bedroom my boyfriend heard a noise in closet so he walked iver to closet an something started pulling him up an as he was being pulled up he kicked off red an white tennis shoes he thre away bout a month ago an I could see a brownleg walking in attic an then there was a man in bed with me that looked just like my boyfriend an I asked him what happened he said they were taking him an did an my son came in an kicked him because he bent over in front of him

A guy I used to talk too, came into my room and almost had sex but he was drunk and fell asleep. I tried to sneak him out of my house because my dad was home and didn't want to get caught with him. So I hid him in the microwave and accidentally cooked him into a piece of chicken. I then took him to my room, asked if he was ok then had a couple bites of him and left him to go canoeing. I asked the people there if the person would be ok if I accidentally cooked them into a piece of chicken and they said yeah. So I texted him asking if he's ok but got no reply lol

There was a murderer on the loose who had a bald round head and showed a very big smile before he killed you. He shot people in the middle of the forehead and didn't kill everyone in the family. At one point we were on a bus and the bus started to sink so we sunk down to an underwater school so they could help us and once they opened up the back door of the bus I was at home in my parents room. My dad was in the shower and my mom was sleeping in my room. The night before the killer was at my neighbors house and only killed the middle child whose name was grace. Then I heard a noise and got paranoid but figured it was my cat. When it got louder I knew it was him and I ran into my room to wake up my mom. She got up and refused to help me hold the door shut. She kept saying she didn't care that he was there. He tried to open the door and I couldn't hold it shut any longer by myself. He finally wedged his way in turned behind the door to me. I grabbed the nozzle and bent it but he still shot me in the leg. Then he turned the gun around so it would shoot me right in the forehead. He looked at me smiled ear to ear and shot me.

'm 21 and have never had a sexual or romantic relationship however I dreamt that I had a husband who was what I'd consider my perfect man however I have never met this man before . Anway the dream begins whereby I've apparently just given birth to our son and am now running away with him. I happen to get help from my friends in terms of running away as they drive me away and make it a significant distance however in the back of my mind I am aware that theres nowhere I can run without my husband ever finding me, he is so powerful that he has almost everyone working for him or his supporter. I continue to flee from him with our newborn son however. Somehow in the dream it becomes late and we stop at the shaddest hotel on the assumption that it too low class for him to be there however upon entering the rooms its apparent that the outside of the hotel is a facade since the inside is beautiful . I take to sleeping on the floor with my son whilst I give my friends the bed since its a single room. Just before we go to bed they ask me to lock the bedroom door and as I attempt to do that I realise my husband is unknowingly in the adjacent room and undressing his shirt and I'm shockingly very attracted to his body ...I then frantically try to lock the door before he sees me only to realise that the door is too small and wont lock. I then inform my friends that he is in the adjacent room they then decide to reveal themselves and beg for his forgivness for helping me in my escape . I hide behind my hotel room door and hoping to not be seen by him however my friends give away my current position. He then comes into the room and looks me directly in the eye ,his eyes were shockingly turquoise and the iris was not that recognisable as it was sort of smugged (surprising since I like green eyes ) and I find myself being again attracted to him and a part of me recognises that I'm severly inlove with him however out of shame of having run away and refusing to beg for his forgiveness like my friends did (I am being defiant ) I tell him that I'd like a divorce . He takes our son gets into bed and I'm fully expecting him to argue with me and yet he pays me no mind he instead give attention to his son and tells me that divorces complicate things whilst looking at our son he then says that we can just split up and still be legally married . He says all this whist not even looking at me and for some reason even though I asked for the divorce I'm devastated that he'd let me go so easily without fighting for me .. I fell rejected by him whilst I stand at the foot of the bed contemplating whether I should also get on the bed or not I eventually get on and then the dream ends . I'm unsure as to what this dream means since I have no relationship or marriage prospects and yet this dream is disturbing me . Also the man portrayed as my husband is one I fancy myself having ,he is strong, masculine , financially powerful and handsome . Why them am I running away from him and yet feel hurt when he permits me to leave him.

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