St Bernard dog turned into a woman after i pet it and she then starts to caress my face
Dream of new, man, kids, friend, mirror, fairy, saw, car, ice, tattoo, bathroom, blood, face, husband, stall, washing, driving, girl
I was in the car with my male best friend, turns out we had three kids together and were driving to our tattoo parlor. My husband and I proceeded to go inside. After a few hours, we were in a bathroom washing blood off of us. We talked about how difficult it was with the patient we just saw, afterwords, we left and the guy we just worked on came in. He stood in front of the mirror and admired his new robotic arms and tattoos on his face. He was a nice man, but from the bathroom stall this girl was watching and she saw an ice fairy cast a spell on the man and he turned evil.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of man in a dream
To dream of a man, if handsome, well formed and supple, denotes that you will enjoy life vastly and come into rich possessions. If he is misshapen and sour-visaged, you will meet disappointments and many perplexities will involve you. For a woman to dream of a handsome man, she is likely to have distinction offered her. If he is ugly, she will experience trouble through some one whom she considers a friend.
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Meaning of kids in a dream
Childhood. Innocent. Joy without profit. Warning of family quarrels. To dream of a kid, denotes you will not be over-scrupulous in your morals or pleasures. You will be likely to bring grief to some loving heart.
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Meaning of friend in a dream
Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration. To dream of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives. To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them. To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations. To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated. To dream you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future advancement. If it is on a plane or level with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. If you seem to be going from it, you will force yourself to seek a change in spite of friendly ties or self-admonition. To dream you see a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, denotes that you will be injured by some person who will endeavor to keep up friendly relations with you. To dream that you are shaking hands with a person who has wronged you, and he is taking his departure and looks sad, foretells you will have differences with a close friend and alienation will perhaps follow. You are most assuredly nearing loss of some character.
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Meaning of mirror in a dream
Virtual image. Reflection. Identity. A true picture of something else.. An obvious symbol that many define as meaning reflection and self-study, the mirror can also signify self-absorption, vanity, or an attempt at understanding the self. Another way to look at the mirror is to see it as a portal to other selves - past, future, or other present selves. An obvious symbol that many define as meaning reflection and self-study, the mirror can also signify self-absorption, vanity, or an attempt at understanding the self. Another way to look at the mirror is to see it as a portal to other selves - past, future, or other present selves. To dream of seeing yourself in a mirror, denotes that you will meet many discouraging issues, and sickness will cause you distress and loss in fortune. To see a broken mirror, foretells the sudden or violent death of some one related to you. To see others in a mirror, denotes that others will act unfairly towards you to promote their own interests. To see animals in a mirror, denotes disappointment and loss in fortune. For a young woman to break a mirror, foretells unfortunate friendships and an unhappy marriage. To see her lover in a mirror looking pale and careworn, denotes death or a broken engagement. If he seems happy, a slight estrangement will arise, but it will be of short duration. See Glass.
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Meaning of fairy in a dream
To dream of a fairy, is a favorable omen to all classes, as it is always a scene with a beautiful face portrayed as a happy child, or woman.
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Meaning of saw in a dream
To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.
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Meaning of car in a dream
Personal power. Ego. Often, the path the car takes in the dream is representative of the path the dreamer's life is on. If the car is speeding out of control, the dreamer may feels as if his/her life is also speeding out of control. Some other associations to keep in mind: To many, driving is a solitary time. With the windows rolled up and the music playing, one is left alone with one's thoughts. For someone who's been in a car accident, driving can represent a dangerous risk. As cars seem to represent one's life, when your life is out of control, don't be surprised if you have a dream where you're driving an out-of-control car, or a car whose breaks are malfunctioning. Another common variation is controlling the car from a great height above the street, making it difficult to steer without collisions, or even trying to drive the car from the backseat. Whatever the variation, when you're having trouble driving, you probably feel like you're out of control in your waking life. Get your life under control, and you'll have better luck in your dream driving adventures. Please see above definition of "car." Often, the path the car takes in the dream is representative of the path the dreamer's life is on. If the car is speeding out of control, the dreamer may feels as if his/her life is also speeding out of control. Some other associations to keep in mind: To many, driving is a solitary time. With the windows rolled up and the music playing, one is left alone with one's thoughts. For someone who's been in a car accident, driving can represent a dangerous risk. As cars seem to represent one's life, when your life is out of control, don't be surprised if you have a dream where you're driving an out-of-control car, or a car whose breaks are malfunctioning. Another common variation is controlling the car from a great height above the street, making it difficult to steer without collisions, or even trying to drive the car from the backseat. Whatever the variation, when you're having trouble driving, you probably feel like you're out of control in your waking life. Get your life under control, and you'll have better luck in your dream driving adventures. Please see above definition of "car."
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Meaning of ice in a dream
Frozen state of feelings . Anxiety without cause. Obstacles in business affairs. To dream of ice, betokens much distress, and evil-minded persons will seek to injure you in your best work. To see ice floating in a stream of clear water, denotes that your happiness will be interrupted by ill-tempered and jealous friends. To dream that you walk on ice, you risk much solid comfort and respect for evanescent joys. For a young woman to walk on ice, is a warning that only a thin veil hides her from shame. To see icicles on the eaves of houses, denotes misery and want of comfort. Ill health is foreboded. To see icicles on the fence, denotes suffering bodily and mentally. To see them on trees, despondent hopes will grow gloomier. To see them on evergreens, a bright future will be overcast with the shadow of doubtful honors. To dream that you make ice, you will make a failure of your life through egotism and selfishness. Eating ice, foretells sickness. If you drink ice-water, you will bring ill health from dissipation. Bathing in ice-water, anticipated pleasures will be interrupted with an unforeseen event.
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Meaning of tattoo in a dream
Scar. Something permanent. Display. Something dangerous from past is hunting you. To see your body appearing tattooed, foretells that some difficulty will cause you to make a long and tedious absence from your home. To see tattooes on others, foretells that strange loves will make you an object of jealousy. To dream you are a tattooist, is a sign that you will estrange yourself from friends because of your fancy for some strange experience.
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Meaning of bathroom in a dream
Dreaming about a bathroom can mean you feel the need to figuratively cleanse yourself. Perhaps you need to confess something in order to clear your conscience. A bathroom, for obvious reasons, can also represent lust or passion. Dreaming about a bathroom can mean you feel the need to figuratively cleanse yourself. Perhaps you need to confess something in order to clear your conscience. A bathroom, for obvious reasons, can also represent lust or passion. To see white roses in a bathroom, and yellow ones in a box, denote that sickness will interfere with pleasure; but more lasting joys will result from this disappointment. For a young woman to dream of a bathroom, foretells that her inclinations trend too much toward light pleasures and frivolities.
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Meaning of blood in a dream
Essence. Life energy. Unfortunate love affairs. Severe disappointment. Blood-stained garments, indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful career that is opening up before you. The dreamer should beware of strange friendships. To see blood flowing from a wound, physical ailments and worry. Bad business caused from disastrous dealings with foreign combines. To see blood on your hands, immediate bad luck, if not careful of your person and your own affairs.
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Meaning of face in a dream
Identity. Ego. Self-image. This dream denotes displeasure with yourself and warnings of someone working secretly against you. Dreaming of your face represents your willingness to deal with problems in your personal life. It signifies your true persona versus the one you choose to show. Dreaming of your face represents your willingness to deal with problems in your personal life. It signifies your true persona versus the one you choose to show. This dream is favorable if you see happy and bright faces, but significant of trouble if they are disfigured, ugly, or frowning on you. To a young person, an ugly face foretells lovers' quarrels; or for a lover to see the face of his sweetheart looking old, denotes separation and the breaking up of happy associations. To see a strange and weird-looking face, denotes that enemies and misfortunes surround you. To dream of seeing your own face, denotes unhappiness; and to the married, threats of divorce will be made. To see your face in a mirror, denotes displeasure with yourself for not being able to carry out plans for self-advancement. You will also lose the esteem of friends.
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Meaning of husband in a dream
Partner. Commitment. To dream that your husband is leaving you, and you do not understand why, there will be bitterness between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will ensue. If he mistreats and upbraids you for unfaithfulness, you will hold his regard and confidence, but other worries will ensue and you are warned to be more discreet in receiving attention from men. If you see him dead, disappointment and sorrow will envelop you. To see him pale and careworn, sickness will tax you heavily, as some of the family will linger in bed for a time. To see him gay and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and bright prospects will be yours. If he is sick, you will be mistreated by him and he will be unfaithful. To dream that he is in love with another woman, he will soon tire of his present surroundings and seek pleasure elsewhere. To be in love with another woman's husband in your dreams, denotes that you are not happily married, or that you are not happy unmarried, but the chances for happiness are doubtful. For an unmarried woman to dream that she has a husband, denotes that she is wanting in the graces which men most admire. To see your husband depart from you, and as he recedes from you he grows larger, inharmonious surroundings will prevent immediate congeniality. If disagreeable conclusions are avoided, harmony will be reinstated. For a woman to dream she sees her husband in a compromising position with an unsuspected party, denotes she will have trouble through the indiscretion of friends. If she dreams that he is killed while with another woman, and a scandal ensues, she will be in danger of separating from her husband or losing property. Unfavorable conditions follow this dream, though the evil is often exaggerated.
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Meaning of stall in a dream
To dream of a stall, denotes impossible results from some enterprise will be expected by you.
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Meaning of washing in a dream
To dream that you are washing yourself, signifies that you pride yourself on the numberless liaisons you maintain. See Wash Bowl or Bathing
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Meaning of driving in a dream
Work on energy and power. Looking for the desired destination. To dream of driving a carriage, signifies unjust criticism of your seeming extravagance. You will be compelled to do things which appear undignified. To dream of driving a public cab, denotes menial labor, with little chance for advancement. If it is a wagon, you will remain in poverty and unfortunate circumstances for some time. If you are driven in these conveyances by others, you will profit by superior knowledge of the world, and will always find some path through difficulties. If you are a man, you will, in affairs with women, drive your wishes to a speedy consummation. If a woman, you will hold men's hearts at low value after succeeding in getting a hold on them. See Cab
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