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Dreams me in

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Me and my friends were at like this large mall/building/convention/place. IDK it was more like a mall. And I was buying a new wig and I had a tough time pulling out my money. I pulled out half of the amount I needed. It was four dollars but I needed eight. Me and my friends were laughing because I was being slow. Earlier there was an announcement that somebody got murdered. Everyone was in remorse. But when I was putting my money up a lady burst in and started yelling. She said to stay calm but the murders were on the same floor we were. I dropped my wig and money and ran up the stairwell with my dad. We hid in the rows of a movie theater. He wanted to go in the back while I wanted to go in the middle. When he was going to the back there was this one Natsu cosplayer who mumbled that he was one of the killers. He was in the middle of the theater, really close to me and he had a long gun. I yelled at my dad to come with me. A few other people heard so they scattered as well. I ran up and down the stares wandering around and I lost my dad. That thought pondered in my head but I didn't do anything. I went to a stairwell which took me down. It was most empty. I passed a guy who has harassed me in the past so I just glared at him. I ended up passing the murders. Apparently there was more than one and this time it was a girl. There were five. There were five ropes leading down a hole. I made it outside and it was night time. I was jumping off of things and running. There were people on patrol but everybody seemed as dead as zombies. People on bikes, people on foot, people anywhere. They were trying to catch people who were living and especially me. Before I woke up I saw a blank grey face, for some reason i want to say she was female. She had children on chains and collars. They were following her in a sloppy line which was supposed to be straight. They were chanting, "this is why you never go outside" and a few people on bikes saw me and froze and then peddled after me. they were grey as well. everyone's skin was grey except for mine.

Lots of demons and bad people outside. I was in my childhood home, looking outside at them all. Two bad men came in with guns and fired them but none of the bullets hit me. I was protecting my daughter. Each time a bad entity left my home another would come in. There was a man in a grey trench coat and undertaker hat who I could see a shadow of his face but he would not look at me. Two female entities came into the house....one would touch me with a wand and say everything would be okay and that I needed to come with them....I didn't want to as I was leaving behind my daughter.

I was handing out ice cream and once everyone was done I cleaned it up. They were waiting to use our bathroom to clean up since we apparently couldn't eat right and got all our hands sticky. I was the last one to go in and wash my hands and stuff and he came in. We were just talking and all this nice stuff that I don't remember in detail but it was nice and happy. Then he just started to say how nice I was and all that jazz and me being a dumbass was being perfectly fine with it. I wanted to wash my hair in the sink cause it was hot out and I was sweating so he handed me the towel on the rank and wrapped it around my head when I turned off the water and was blinded by water. So he was drying my hair and just saying nice things until we heard something in the game room and say that it was my teacher lol just sitting there and waiting for something to happen

I rode a scooter down the street and a truck was about to drive past but stop in the middle of the road infront of me so the drive could look down at something. As he then looked up to drive I caught his attention and he smiled saying hey! Hiw old are you? Where you going you wanna go to a party with me? I got scared and said no and started to run back to the house but he began to follow calling after me asking me where I was going. I scream trying to get someone's attention and run in the house yelling help since this man had followed me home. My family was all there staring at me until I kept saying that guy keeps following me help me get him away dad. My older brother and a cousin was outside waiting for him. As the guy drove his truck in a neighbor's driveway without even putting the car in park he just jumps out and runs towards the house with a happy excited face. I kept telling him go away I don't want to go with you to a party! I don't know you! He got mad and started throwing things. He threw a bag of ice and it almost hit my younger brother in the back but I stood in front of it and quickly hit it away before it hit my face. The man laughed asked wow you hit away? Why didn't you let it hit your face? I got mad and threw the bag od ice at him but it missed. He came in the house and grabbed my arm trying to get me to go with him while he had a smile on his face and was all excited. I kept telling him no since it was making me more and more scared I couldn't get away. I kept saying I don't know know you! Go away! My brother cousin manage to get him away from me and throw him outside and started fighting him. I started to help fight him off too to get him out of there but it just made more and more mad and want me more. He tried to break my cousin's leg but I kicked him in the face and twisted his leg to break,

I was in the car with my male best friend, turns out we had three kids together and were driving to our tattoo parlor. My husband and I proceeded to go inside. After a few hours, we were in a bathroom washing blood off of us. We talked about how difficult it was with the patient we just saw, afterwords, we left and the guy we just worked on came in. He stood in front of the mirror and admired his new robotic arms and tattoos on his face. He was a nice man, but from the bathroom stall this girl was watching and she saw an ice fairy cast a spell on the man and he turned evil.

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