Understand My Dreams

Dreams art

In my dream a number of my siblings were home and there was not enough sleeping space, I was angry and I went to sit outside and all of a sudden my mother and my 2 sisters were now sitting with me and now a man who is claimed to be a fake prothet passed and he stopped where we a sitting and a young girl also so the man was speaking about his powers and the girl accused my mother of witchcraft and the prothet agreed to it and we said to him prove it that she is a witchcraft so he did something and my mother started going crazy and he never stopped the situation I scoled him but he did nothing until I visited my uncle who is a healer and he told me to tell my father that I should look for james only him and me should look for james and I don't know this james but seems like he had something to do with my father and james presence was going to solve the problems

I was making a delivery to a jewelry store. When I got there and dropped off the order a bomb suddenly went off. Someone was trying to rob the jewelry store. When the bomb went off and chaos had cleared I found myself impaled with hundreds of steel rods. They hurt but I wasn't bleeding. I sat there in the middle of the jewelry store pulling each metal rod out of my body. There were several in my feet, handfuls in both my legs, some in my butt cheeks, some in my arms, and a couple in my chest. the metal rods came out like giant splitters. I also pulled two artistic style box cutters out of my foot and out of my leg. There was no blood at all but it felt like I was being poked from all over the place on the inside.

I was in the auditorium at Martha Brown. I was on stage, moving these set pieces over and over again trying to get them lined up perfectly. The set pieces felt larger than life, as the height was so great it was almost imperceptible-like a skyscraper. I was lining them up incorrectly- from the back instead of the front. I could feel myself getting anxious and overwhelmed. Then l, or someone else, took a photo of the audience and there was a big flash. After that, another person on the crew walked in carrying a cartoon-ish pillow I asked who made them and it was the person who was supposed to be my new boss. He carved them out of wood.

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