Dream of art, want, women, work, boyfriend, jealous
In my dream I was with my boyfriend and we were together and then he was working on art and paintings and became successful and other women wanted to see him and work with him. I felt so jealous of him and success I also started to argue with him. We argued about stupid things and I was telling him how I don't want to see him again and then I apologized to him about it.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of art in a dream
Image of reality. Honor. Value. Creativity. Image of reality. Honor. Value. Creativity.
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Meaning of want in a dream
To dream that you are in want, denotes that you have unfortunately ignored the realities of life, and chased folly to her stronghold of sorrow and adversity. If you find yourself contented in a state of want, you will bear the misfortune which threatens you with heroism, and will see the clouds of misery disperse. To relieve want, signifies that you will be esteemed for your disinterested kindness, but you will feel no pleasure in well doing.
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Meaning of women in a dream
To dream of women, foreshadows intrigue. To argue with one, foretells that you will be outwitted and foiled. To see a dark-haired woman with blue eyes and a pug nose, definitely determines your withdrawal from a race in which you stood a showing for victory. If she has brown eyes and a Roman nose, you will be cajoled into a dangerous speculation. If she has auburn hair with this combination, it adds to your perplexity and anxiety. If she is a blonde, you will find that all your engagements will be pleasant and favorable to your inclinations.
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Meaning of work in a dream
To dream that you are hard at work, denotes that you will win merited success by concentration of energy. To see others at work, denotes that hopeful conditions will surround you. To look for work, means that you will be benefited by some unaccountable occurrence.
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Meaning of boyfriend in a dream
Dreaming of your boyfriend, represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him. Dreaming that your boyfriend is dead, indicates that something in your own Self that is no longer functional and is "dead". You are not being allowed to fully express yourself. It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of this relationship. If your boyfriend is away and your dreams of him involve a lot of touching, signify how much you miss his presence and have him being nearby. The dream is telling you not to take the day to day things for granted. Learn to cherish the smaller things in life. Dreaming that your boyfriend tells you that he is gay or that he doesn't love your anymore, represents your own insecurities with the relationship. It may also mean that the relationship is moving to a new level to which you are expressing some anxiety and fears about the changing situation. You may feel left out it in his life or that you are unable to share in all his experiences. It boils down to trust and communication
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Meaning of jealous in a dream
The meaning of feelings of envy in a dream What is jealousy? Jealousy is resistance and emotion that arises following the success of another person. A feeling of jealousy appears when a person does not accept who he is, is not satisfied with his life and conduct and looks at the lives of others and desires them. Another aspect that jealousy sometimes evokes effort and ambition to resemble after succeeding like it does indeed eventually lead to success and therefore it also has a positive aspect like the phrase “jealousy of writers breeds joy”. What are the signs in a dream that someone is jealous of us In the dream, someone appears who physically harms us and can even kill us in the dream \ They kill us in a dream Chasing us in a dream We feel eyes following us in a dream Follow us in a dream Bees sting or chase us in a dream A snake threatens to bite us in a dream The mirror we are looking at is broken and shattered in a dream What is the reason for dreams of envy in a dream The dream comes from the subconscious in order to sharpen the dreamer's messages that will contribute to him in life. Dreams that envy us come for a variety of purposes from warning to intention: to warn us of people who may harm us to signal to us that we must be precise in our actions so that we learn to humble our conduct we will maintain humility
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