In my dream i was in an unknown building. It was my brother and my favorite celebrity walking with me.They both got taken away from me by a security guard i know. I hid and followed to where they were taken. I tackled the security guard and punched him in the balls. I told my brother to run and we escaped. We entered a conference room. There was a lady talking about a bomb. I opened an exit door and saw sunshine and my brother's car. The lady forced us to stay and we all took a bus to an empty plain. we were watching the test bomb. orange smoke came out of it and i woke up before it blew up. May 29, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
At end of college party at friends house in town it comes time to leave, i ask for directions to my bus stop and everyones answers are different i choose the wrong way im running cause im in a rush i ask people for directions but each person tells me different routes i end up hoping a wall to get back in route when 4 big dogs run at me im running for my life one of the dogs bite off the other dogs head and before i know it the owner has them on leads and zac efferon(a celebrity)is in front of the house im about to walk through to hop over there wall he comes were talking i like him but now ive almost lost taughts of the bus im not even in town anymore im in nass(a place i've never liked)again im running and hes running with me May 24, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My grandma died on june 11th 2013. in my dream my grandmother was surrounded by my family and i sat on the edge of the bed and talked to her but by the end of the dream she said 'i don't want to leave you guys because i know you need me but i have to go' and then i woke up May 22, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Im in a large mountain house in a forest. its like a cabin and there are a lot of adults having a party on the first floor. They are all standing around in the kitchen and i'm standing in an empty living room close to the front door. When the front door is open it blocks the way of the stairs that are wooden and wind up to the second floor. i go up the stairs but instead of taking me to the second floor i'm suddenly in a large triangular shaped attic. the ceiling is dark but i can see there are boards missing from the floor. large gaps look down over the party of adults in the kitchen but it is similar to a one-way mirror in that they can't hear or see me but i can witness everything they are doing. i know that i have to walk across the middle floorboard to get to the two large doors opening outward. so i cross the skinny piece of wood and grab hold of the golden handles of the doors and push them open. outside the sky is black and there are glittering stars splattered across the sky. as i stand and look at the tops of pine trees framing the sky snow begins to fall. the snow is thick and cold and wet. it dissolves almost instantly on my skin. i can feel the icy cold but its a nice sensation and not painful. May 13, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I keep dreaming about old houses i lived in and people i know living in them May 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I keep dreaming about old houses in ived in and people i know living in them May 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was making tea in the kitchen of my grandparents flat and looked out of the window at our local church. There were police, forensics and a grave was being dug up. I felt extreme panic as I knew I had murdered someone and buried them there on a freshly dug grave and I knew that I wouldnt get away with it. Then suddenly I am at home worrying and there is a loud knock at the door. When I andwer it to a cid policeman ha reads my rights arresting me for the murder of..........?? Always wake up before I know who it is. This has recurred numerously May 21, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream starts were I go to my best friends house to see here father who was also a father figure in my life who was an alcoholic and has now passed away and I make him rice and prawns. I them go back to the house I check on him a few days later and even though I know the food is off I still eat it? May 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream I moved back home to my parents house and went to a huge party and hooked up with an Asian chick also the party I was at, was at the peoples house from back home in real life that I know don't like me May 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis