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Dreams burning

Found 346 dreams containing burning - Page 5

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Oh no Jess... Were you sleep walking? Mine is very strange.... You and I decided to have kid and we were living/working in a russian mining industry. You gave birth in the mine when there was a massive fire. Whilst our mining lives were burning down around us I had to perform a c-section. However once I delivered the baby it didn't look like one, more like a pair of blue gloves. Despite our odd looking glove baby I ran out of the flames with it to saftey. Not sure if you made it though...

I was burning down and robbing a house with my family, I knew it was wrong and I kept telling my family that but they didnt listen, so i continued to help them. The house belonged to a kid that use to be my friend. I also kept telling myself to wake up but i couldnt, I was convinced I was awake and my dream was really happening. After we were done looting the place we burned down the house. There were 2 dogs inside which loved us but we burned them with the house and my family didnt care all to much. I was the only one in the family that cared. I ended up running home, but when I stated running in my dream, I was on a road in Connecticut that led up to my ex girlfriend s house. but when I got to the end of the road I ended up at my house in Maryland, where I live currently. When I woke up from the dream I wasnt sure if it had really happened or not. During my family burning down this house all I wanted to do was to be home one more night and not go to jail or get caught by the police for burning down this house. I kept telling myself to wake up and since I couldnt wake up I figured what must be happening is real and that if I could just get one more night in my house everything would be okay.

I was looking for a place that I had found before, and while I was riding my bike to get there, as I turned the corner something hit my right eye causing much pain while blurning and tears filling that right eye. As I kept pedaling I had to pull into a gas station to try and clean my right eye. A gentleman, a black man, asked if he could drive me to a nearby hospital and although I said no at first, he insisted all the while being very concerned, proceeded to put my bike in his car. Before I could get in, I found myself riding my bike following him. I could hear him say, just follow me, and I began to follow him. He began driving very fast and I couldn't keep up. My right eye continued to burn and fill with tears. I awoke with a burning sensation in my right eye along with tears!

I drempt of a tree spirit like an ent, torture me till I cried then ate me to sooth my wounds. While it was putting me into his mouth I was no longer the one being tortured but the one asking him why to let her go. And the spirit replied what I didn't do anything. I could tell the tree was enjoying the torture and was going to continue with or with out me. Then I woke up. I can still clearly see my dream. Also to note that when I was the one being tortured the tree enjoyed it and wouldn't stop until I cried. The tree used electricity and a burning device. The electric to my back to make my knee hurt and burned me in the groin area to the left just below my stomach. Help me. I have looked up many terms but nothing to help me determined what I drempt. I have had epic dreams before but was able to understand but not this one. Thank you.

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