What if i dream my husband goes to jail and calls for me to come get him July 02, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream Sean Connery was interested in me! We dated and I wanted to marry him! He turned me down! At the same time I found out my husband told this other girl I never met before he loves her! I noticed she had long hair and my husband had told me before he likes short hair! i was hurt and mad to see this because I'm real life I cut my hair for him! I felt angry he was in love with another girl and not me! Because I feel I've done everything to please him and nothing works! And on the other hand I'm relived that I don't have to fight that fight anymore and that i lost and i should just move on! Hurt and moving on I pursue Sean Connery! I love him and I have the feeling he wants me back so I go looking for him! And I wake up! June 26, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
My husband dreamt that he saw me with a brown panty and when he asked me where I got it I said a woman gave me he thinks he knew the woman but it was more a feeling than the woman being in the dream he took the panty and held it up and urine fell from it I then said I peed meaning urinated on it June 22, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I always dream of another man, whom I know sometimes from days past and sometimes of days future different events but same man and not my husband. July 19, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was sitting at a table talking to a few people and my 4 year old son came over .I asked where his daddy was but he did not answer. I said I really don't like u wandering off alone. I decided to go look for my husband and ended up in a wooded area but just outside the woods was a gathering of people where I was just prior to the woods. I wanted to head back but a pack of white wolves appeared pacing back and forth I don't believe they wanted to hurt me yet they would not let me me through but started walking slowly toward me then a lady appeared just before the wolves and seemed frightned I shouted do not run walk my son about slipped away from me a few steps ahead and I told him come to me now he sort of laughed but I was able to grab him and hold him in my arms I was not sure if these wolves were dangerous but they did not appear to be yet I needed to get away from them. All of a sudden a loud noise and a really bright light came in the miss of the trees and a voice you are safe as a lady opened a gate to let me I I said thankuou and I just sat down holding my son in relief July 18, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Getting ready for a funeral and I was in the church yard. My husband was playing music July 12, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream about my ex boyfriend . he's either kissing me or we are having a really good time. I always dream about him, but never my husband. Even though my ex and I parted because of something that I did. But, does he ever dream about me?? June 24, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I was pregnant and my husband was really proud of me. We named the baby Hope. July 05, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt that thugs come in my house 3 of them took me hostage to my room two of the thugs where in my bed said they where looking for mama coetzee showed me a photo but wasn't me was my husband deceased wife July 05, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis