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Dreams woke up

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Call me crazy but, I dreamed of a unfamiliar man with a pale face, black leather jacket, and black boots standing by my bed. (everything went dark suddenly)I started hearing this eerie (not necessarily ghostly) but like a strange ringing.( it got louder and intense) In the moment, I felt my body facing the opposite direction of my bed.I suddenly heard a metal clang combined with a window breaking as if something was messing around in my room.( I don’t have any heavy metal objects) I didn’t want to open my eyes and I felt my own body take one deep breathe. Suddenly I woke up around 3:33 am and everything was normal.Im not making this up, what was that ringing? Who was that man?Metal clang?

It was very long, I was a part of a sort of wedding or celebration. But then me and my friends were no longer welcome. An older man, around his 50’s, was helping me. He was charming and showing me around the mansion as he was helping me escape. But there were large glass windows everywhere so outside guests saw us. I was in a white gown and he told me to run. As I was running down the stairs a strange man grabbed my arm and I couldn’t fight him off until my friends came back and helped me. I under up gagging him until he let go. Me and four other girls escaped the house and the police were waiting outside. Then we heard singing, and we knew the song and began running to a shire that was designed for Hecate. We had to stop the water flow by blocking it with rocks to be able to hear her speak. Then the whole shrine was filled with all sorts of people and hecate was talking to them. There was no physical figure, just a voice. And then I said I wanted the girls from the house to go up as a group and speak to her. We went up, holding hands, and each girl was given a symbol. One girl was the moon, one the sun, and earth. And another one was light or something. But I wasn’t given a symbol. I was told there was none left. I was devastated. I was a part of the traumatic experience that the other girls in the house were a part of, but I was not talked to. The crowd began shouting, wolf , wolf , wolf! As if telling Hecate that there was one more symbol to give and that wolf could be given to me. But she disagreed and I stepped off the shrine. I woke up with tears in my eyes.

I was driving my car along the road leading to my neighborhood where I think I made a bad maneuver and bumped into a car entering the road through an intersection. I then woke up in front of a house in a neighborhood comprising of mainly two-story homes, I think the sky was cloudy. I then noticed a young, unfamiliar man. He also saw me and told me that he found and helped me. For I moment I thought the collision was a dream until I saw my car in front of me, its right side was bent in a curve. I panicked and screamed, condemning myself for letting this happen again (I was once involved in a very minor collision before). As I cried, the man a few feet away noticed and asked why I was upset. I showed him my car and he jovially claimed that he could fix it. It was with this that I realized he was a mechanic. I felt relieved. Although, I remember being concerned about the cost but did not ask him about it. However, the car that I thought was my car now looked different; instead of black, it was a light grey. I think the sky had gotten brighter but I'm not sure. I then noticed what was actually my car nearby. The damage to it was not major, only the part of the right side very close to the front bumper was dented. I tell the man that this was my car and not the other one and then he says that he can fix it even more easily. The relief I felt earlier magnified. The dream ends here.

I was driving my car along the road leading to my neighborhood where I think I made a bad maneuver and bumped into a car entering the road through an intersection. I then woke up in front of a house in a neighborhood comprising of mainly two-story homes, I think the sky was cloudy. I then noticed a young, unfamiliar man. He also saw me and told me that he found and helped me. For I moment I thought the collision was a dream until I saw my car in front of me, its right side was bent in a curve. I panicked and screamed, condemning myself for letting this happen again (I was once involved in a very minor collision before). As I cried, the man a few feet away noticed and asked why I was upset. I showed him my car and he jovially claimed that he could fix it. I felt relieved. Although, I remember being concerned about the cost but did not ask him about it. However, the car that I thought was my car now looked different; instead of black, it was a light grey. I think the sky had gotten brighter but I'm not sure. I then noticed what was actually my car nearby. The damage to it was not major, only the part of the right side very close to the front bumper was dented. I tell the man that this was my car and not the other one and then he says that he can fix it even more easily. The relief I felt earlier magnified. The dream ends here.

This was a reoccurring childhood dream that I had for years ending when I reached the age of 12, or so. The dream was all that I remembered after waking up in the morning and it really bothered me that I couldn’t remember what came before it. so what I woke up remembering so often was me swinging on a giant swing in an empty black space. I looked up and could see no top of the rope and when I looked down I could see no bottom, no floor. And you know that feeling you got in your stomach on swings as a kid? I felt that on every upswing. Of course time is weird in dreams and I felt this need, this uncontrollable urge to escape this endless swing by jumping off it into the dark abyss below. After building the courage to finally jump off the swing I always woke up before landing so I remember waking up frustrated by all of the unknowns regarding this very disturbing dream. I’m 66 years old today and have never forgotten this reoccurring dream from my childhood and I’m curious about an interpretation.

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