I had a dream that my wife had a heart attack and died at our wedding reception. She was holding her chest and asked me to not let her fall. She fell to the ground on the dance floor and I was yelling stay with me. I was mad because the dj was taking forever to call 911
Just like in my real life, my dreams are the same. My ex- boyfriend is always chasing me, trying to get to me, im always running away, screaming, swearing, even yelling in my sleep. I'm always fighting with this person(s). Always having a feeling of desperation, anxiety, and fear.
Yelling my name
I was running through the woods, saw a someone that I went to elementary school with. We continued running through the woods together. Finally, we arrived to an old stone home. The house was big. The inside of the house was messy. When entering the home, I let my cat outside. The cat ran up a rocky hill. I chased the cat. Once I got to the top, a huge snake came out from up under the rock. The snake began to eat my cat. I was yelling for help. I looked through the glass door to see my husband. He was just sitting there looking at me. I kept yelling for help and he never came. The snake ate my cat and slivered off.
First I was on a vacation with my family amd my cat near some river. There was a wooden fence and a rock near it. I saw some cute animal stuck on that rock so I went to get it, even thought it was forbidden to walk across it. Then my brother threw the cat at me, so I lost my balance and fell and started screaming. Everybody started yelling and saying how they should get rid of me and kill me. Then I ran towards a big pink mansion. In there was a wall with darts and somehow i managed to climb on them. While I was on the top I started to threaten my mother and my aunt and when I looked up I saw a small window.
At school my best friend and i were going to eat lunch. we heard forth graders yelling and crowding around something. the crowd eventually melted giving my friend and i some space to see. we saw a bloody baby hedgehog laying there. i picked it up from the underside so i would not get pricked. my friend rubbed its chin and it turned into a human girl. she was wearing the same uniform as us and she was very hungry. we went to the school garden to get raw veggies. we saw big beautiful ripe tomatoes. we were about to give it to the poor starving girl/hedgehog but the third graders were not going to let us take from their garden. i saw a tiny lean-to covering something shiny. i realized the label said crystle diamond tomatoes.....but again not allowed. then i woke up.
To yell at your husband for buying for everyone in cluding someone else child except for one of his children, i get angrey hurt and start yelling at him and telling him his children home first as im doing that he is tending his father (but my father in law is dead for a while already)
I was walking through my old school field, When I got to the main road there was a man screaming a yelling, he was holding a baby, the was quite, then he came up to me and my friends, asked if we wanted a baby, when we replied no he punch the baby in the side, the baby then spewed all over my friend, I looked at the baby and realized it had been beaten and this is why it was quite, I went to cross the road to get help from a house where I knew the people who lived there, The man ran after me to attack me, He was tiring to bite and hit hit me. I kept fighting him off then I woke when the people I knew came out to help get him off me.
My parents were fighting right in front of my brothers and i.my mom was trying to calm my dad down but my dad was still yelling at her. my brothers and i were lined up the way we were born first was my brother jose then my sister michelle and last was me.and then my brother went to use the bathroom my sister went upstairs to get her laptop but i stayed there and all of a sudden poof my parents and i were no longer in our house we were in a foggy white place. my mother and i had angel wings and were wearing a white dress and we had no shoes my dad was wearing a red and black coat he had red shoes on and had red horns on his head and then a hand reached out and grabbed my mom and i and took us to a white gate my father standed there staring at us
I kissed my really hot coworker luke on the lips it was my first kiss it was kind of awkward and then we got separated it we kept looking for each other i heard him yelling for me and i was yelling for him i woke right before we reunited