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Dreams load

Found 275 dreams containing load - Page 25

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Arrived work late, work load very heary, its taking a long time to complete. Stop off at local store to get pizza and grape sode. met 2 people behind me, stike up conversation. leaving store, I notice employee bringing in alot of flowers on cart. they almost tip over but we right them up and start to push inside the store. then leaving store, merge into traffic and almost get hit by another car. start doing work again but miss the street I was suppose to take and have to go to the next one. called up work, they were mad. said to keep working until 7:00, then call it quits. I thought they were going to send help, but they didnt come back to the phone. On loading dock, employee smoking cigarette, flings it away when done.

I left my child in the house alone on his own at 1 and half years old and I kept saying to my sisters in law I need to get back to my son before he wakes up, but they kept saying "no leave him he will be ok he's asleep" and I just kept saying I need to get home to him but they wouldn't listen to me. Then eventually we ended up at some woman's house who was a witch I knew she was a witch before I went in because her house was in the corner of a green set back from all the other houses, it was all dark with loads of tree's in her front garden and she looked like the stereotypical witches with back combed hair, wart on her nose hunt huntched back wearing a black shabby cape, we got into her house which was very dimly lit with wired objects hanging from the ceiling, and a table with a crystal ball on it, when we got In there I felt very uncomfortable and decided I needed to leave so phoned a taxi cuz I needed to get back to my son, but as the taxi pulled up, there were 2 women and some more people I think neighbours and the 2 women were from social services they were holding my son, telling me they're taking him away from Me because I'm a bad mum leaving him in the house on his own, and he had woke up screaming for me so that my neighbour went in my house picked him up and phoned social services. I kept trying to tell them that I was forced to leave him as my sister-inlaws made me go with them, and that his daddy will be home soon please don't take him away from his daddy. Then I woke up. :(

Arrived work late, work load very heavy, its taking a long time to complete. Stop off at local store to get pizza and grape soda. met 2 people behind me, strike up conversation. leaving store, I notice employee bringing in a lot of flowers on cart. they almost tip over but we right them up and start to push inside the store. then leaving store, merge into traffic and almost get hit by another car. start doing work again but miss the street I was suppose to take and have to go to the next one. called up work, they were mad. said to keep working until 7:00, then call it quits. I thought they were going to send help, but they didn't return to the phone. On loading dock, employee smoking cigarette, flings it away when done.

Arrived work late, work load very heavy, its taking a long time to complete. Stop off at local store to get pizza and grape soda. met 2 people behind me, strike up conversation. leaving store, I notice employee bringing in a lot of flowers on cart. they almost tip over but we right them up and start to push inside the store. then leaving store, merge into traffic and almost get hit by another car. start doing work again but miss the street I was suppose to take and have to go to the next one. called up work, they were mad. said to keep working until 7:00, then call it quits. I thought they were going to send help, but they didnt come back to the phone. On loading dock, employee smoking cigarette, flings it away when done.

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