Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of employee, load, phone, time, street, car, grape, store, work, smoking, traffic, called, cart, cigarette, mad

Arrived work late, work load very heavy, its taking a long time to complete. Stop off at local store to get pizza and grape soda. met 2 people behind me, strike up conversation. leaving store, I notice employee bringing in a lot of flowers on cart. they almost tip over but we right them up and start to push inside the store. then leaving store, merge into traffic and almost get hit by another car. start doing work again but miss the street I was suppose to take and have to go to the next one. called up work, they were mad. said to keep working until 7:00, then call it quits. I thought they were going to send help, but they didn't return to the phone. On loading dock, employee smoking cigarette, flings it away when done.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 13 years ago on June 07, 2012

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of employee in a dream

To see one of your employees denotes crosses and disturbances if he assumes a disagreeable or offensive attitude. If he is pleasant and has communications of interest, you will find no cause for evil or embarrassing conditions upon waking.

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Meaning of load in a dream

Burden. Danger through a secret. Looking to escape. To dream that you carry a load, signifies a long existence filled with labors of love and charity. To fall under a load, denotes your inability to attain comforts that are necessary to those looking to you for subsistence. To see others thus engaged, denotes trials for them in which you will be interested.

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Meaning of phone in a dream

Remote locations. Connection. Trying to reach someone or something. To dream of a telephone, foretells you will meet strangers who will harass and bewilder you in your affairs. For a woman to dream of talking over one, denotes she will have much jealous rivalry, but will overcome all evil influences. If she cannot hear well in conversing over one, she is threatened with evil gossip, and the loss of a lover. When you try to call the Police or 911 and you can't get them in your dream that means that people does not understand you. You often find yourself without the ability to express your self in such matter that people will actually know how do you feel.

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Meaning of time in a dream

Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

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Meaning of street in a dream

To dream that you are walking in a street, foretells ill luck and worries. You will almost despair of reaching the goal you have set up in your aspirations. To be in a familiar street in a distant city, and it appears dark, you will make a journey soon, which will not afford the profit or pleasure contemplated. If the street is brilliantly lighted, you will engage in pleasure, which will quickly pass, leaving no comfort. To pass down a street and feel alarmed lest a thug attack you, denotes that you are venturing upon dangerous ground in advancing your pleasure or business.

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Meaning of car in a dream

Personal power. Ego. Often, the path the car takes in the dream is representative of the path the dreamer's life is on. If the car is speeding out of control, the dreamer may feels as if his/her life is also speeding out of control. Some other associations to keep in mind: To many, driving is a solitary time. With the windows rolled up and the music playing, one is left alone with one's thoughts. For someone who's been in a car accident, driving can represent a dangerous risk. As cars seem to represent one's life, when your life is out of control, don't be surprised if you have a dream where you're driving an out-of-control car, or a car whose breaks are malfunctioning. Another common variation is controlling the car from a great height above the street, making it difficult to steer without collisions, or even trying to drive the car from the backseat. Whatever the variation, when you're having trouble driving, you probably feel like you're out of control in your waking life. Get your life under control, and you'll have better luck in your dream driving adventures. Please see above definition of "car." Often, the path the car takes in the dream is representative of the path the dreamer's life is on. If the car is speeding out of control, the dreamer may feels as if his/her life is also speeding out of control. Some other associations to keep in mind: To many, driving is a solitary time. With the windows rolled up and the music playing, one is left alone with one's thoughts. For someone who's been in a car accident, driving can represent a dangerous risk. As cars seem to represent one's life, when your life is out of control, don't be surprised if you have a dream where you're driving an out-of-control car, or a car whose breaks are malfunctioning. Another common variation is controlling the car from a great height above the street, making it difficult to steer without collisions, or even trying to drive the car from the backseat. Whatever the variation, when you're having trouble driving, you probably feel like you're out of control in your waking life. Get your life under control, and you'll have better luck in your dream driving adventures. Please see above definition of "car."

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Meaning of grape in a dream

Because grapes can be used to make alcohol, they often have a special significance, and are very ancient cultural symbols, they often indicate an influence that changes the way you feel. The grape is often seen as representing harvests and sacrifice. Sometimes we see images shown on the media of a sexually desirable female eating or offering grapes/herself. So at times they may be linked with wealth, or a way of life that is based on having power over others. They also depict fruitfulness, fertility, but perhaps fruitfulness of a spiritual kind. So a woman dreaming of them, especially near her belly can assume she is pregnant. But they also signify pleasures of the world, drinking, sex, wealth, and conversely, in Christianity they signify the blood of Christ. That means the essence of human experience. The collective human wisdom. Sometimes the are seen as a sign of health. Wine was originally just the juice of the grape. It was the fluid, the blood that runs out of the grape when you crush it. The juice of the grape is its life that it gives you freely. It is the blood of its being it lets flow and gives to you. It does this to perpetuate its seed. But this act of survival is done in a way of self-giving. That is why the grape and its juice has become a symbol of the eternal life, the blood of Christ, the love that flows out to us from God and from the ancient beings. They constantly give of their body to us. The grape is therefore a symbol of our relationship with God. See: alcohol; coffee. The experience of countless human lives has been linked and transformed into a vast sea of wisdom and heightened awareness. It is this we ‘drink’ when we touch our own union with the ocean of awareness that is our spirit. See: blood. Example: A thirty-seven-year-old woman, who for three years had been trying unsuccessfully to conceive, dreamed of looking down and seeing huge, ripe bunches of grapes growing from her belly. She knew she had finally conceived.

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Meaning of store in a dream

Abundance. Options. Variety.Seeking for new choices. To dream of a store filled with merchandise, foretells prosperity and advancement. An empty one, denotes failure of efforts and quarrels. To dream that your store is burning, is a sign of renewed activity in business and pleasure. If you find yourself in a department store, it foretells that much pleasure will be derived from various sources of profit. To sell goods in one, your advancement will be accelerated by your energy and the efforts of friends. To dream that you sell a pair of soiled, gray cotton gloves to a woman, foretells that your opinion of women will place you in hazardous positions. If a woman has this dream, her preference for some one of the male sex will not be appreciated very much by him.

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Meaning of work in a dream

To dream that you are hard at work, denotes that you will win merited success by concentration of energy. To see others at work, denotes that hopeful conditions will surround you. To look for work, means that you will be benefited by some unaccountable occurrence.

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Meaning of smoking in a dream

or Smoke Restricted vision. Cloud. Screen. Looking to hide certain feelings.

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Meaning of traffic in a dream

Connections. Dealings. Movement. Chaotic power. Need to go someplace. Traffic represents frustration, obstacles and the fact that things could be going more smoothly in your life. Moving away from traffic means finding a way out of these troubles . Study the tactics used in your dream and use a similar method in real life. Traffic represents frustration, obstacles and the fact that things could be going more smoothly in your life. Moving away from traffic means finding a way out of these troubles . Study the tactics used in your dream and use a similar method in real life.

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Meaning of called in a dream

To hear your name called in a dream by strange voices, denotes that your business will fall into a precarious state, and that strangers may lend you assistance, or you may fail to meet your obligations. To hear the voice of a friend or relative, denotes the desperate illness of some one of them, and may be death; in the latter case you may be called upon to stand as guardian over some one, in governing whom you should use much discretion. Lovers hearing the voice of their affianced should heed the warning. If they have been negligent in attention they should make amends. Otherwise they may suffer separation from misunderstanding. To hear the voice of the dead may be a warning of your own serious illness or some business worry from bad judgment may ensue. The voice is an echo thrown back from the future on the subjective mind, taking the sound of your ancestor's voice from coming in contact with that part of your ancestor which remains with you. A certain portion of mind matter remains the same in lines of family descent.

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Meaning of cart in a dream

To dream of riding in a cart, ill luck and constant work will employ your time if you would keep supplies for your family. To see a cart, denotes bad news from kindred or friends. To dream of driving a cart, you will meet with merited success in business and other aspirations. For lovers to ride together in a cart, they will be true in spite of the machinations of rivals.

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Meaning of cigarette in a dream

To dream that you are smoking or offering a cigarette indicates that you require some down time or time for yourself. It may imply that you are too reliant on someone or something. In the room I find little cigarette buts from ROLLED cigarettes. My great aunt smoked filtered cigarettes so I new there weren't hers and I didn't know where they came from but I thought it was strange and I tried to keep one for some reason.

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Meaning of mad in a dream

To became mad in your dream is a sign for bad omen, dark spirits may come to you and bad things might happen. They say a mad dreamer is a mad man too. To dream of another mad man or woman shows you are afraid of him.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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What did you dream of?