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Dreams sky

Found 674 dreams containing sky - Page 21

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

In my dream I am in some kind of temple that.has high.ceiling. i am not sure why i am there. the priestess comes in dressed in a light gown with distinctive lines on her face and clothes. She has a few people with her following her as she is coming in. All man I think but they have nothing specific about them. as she comes in I have a need to fly away from her and I start at will to rise above her and I get up the top of the template. I spread my hand, and declare that they are not true believers and that only the God creator is true. I feel energy in my hands and I use it to push it down against everyone below. I had a moment while I am grabbing energy where I doubted if the energy I am taking is pure or even. At that moment I looked up to the sky calling on Devine, true God for help.

I was in a desert with black shack little houses bobwire fences me and this man was running from these people or demons they were all black and before we climbed over the bobwire fence the man picked up a little boy and I picked up a little girl we was trying to climb over the bobwire fence but the people that was chasing was grabbing on our legs then the children started fighting us so we both dropped them then hopped over the fence and heard a voice saying come to the other side we walked under a tunnel that. Lead to a building that was high into the sky we seperated and went to our families and I saw my mom and she said you finally made it to the other side.

I was doing nothing in the garden with my mother and my sister at midnight, we heared a very VERY loud noise, me and my sister looked up into the sky and we saw the clouds spinning into each other in the shape of an symetric logo (not like ying and yang, more like ying ying and ying). then suddenly the earth starts to shake and turned away from me (it collapsed)(end of the world). and while that happens there was a realy REALY BBIIIIIIGGGGG BIG big plane crashing towards my home. i was in shock when i woke up

Last night, I had a dream similar to many of the dreams I've been having lately. It involved me finding someone who offers me drugs, and I take them and use them. I have never done any form of drugs or tasted any alcohol in my life, but recently I've been having consistent dreams of drug and alcohol use. In my dream, I was walking through my neighborhood alone. I came to the end of one of the roads near the edge of the forest, where I was greeted by a unisex person I've never seen before. They took out a plastic bag full of marijuana and I asked for some. They only spared me a handful, but I took it and quickly pocketed it after popping a few pieces in my mouth. I then realized I took it too early and started seeing things. The sky appeared on the wall of the room I somehow ended up in, and I could see every gust of wind that entered the room. I was with two or three other people who were completely wasted. I remember an incredible numbness to what I was doing.

Fireballs raining from the sky i am fleeing with my 2 girls in my suv trying to escape i run through a work cabinetry building running over hundreds of new kitchen cabinets i get back home and the fireballs stop briefly i am scrambleing to get food and fishing gear in the car before the fireballs come back and i discovered a hidden portal in my driveway my husband shows back up from his birthday dinner i was still mad at him for going without me i told him about the portal he is looking for it i find a stranger in my home when i returned telling him to get out i was calling thepolice and he goes into the front yard as me and the girls are getting in the car accuseing me of some kind of hidden plan or secret puts a shotgun to his mouth i yell i really am not keepin anything suddenly he is gone and the fireballs start again

I'm looking at a white owl flapping it's wings and hovering high in the sky. The white owl and I are making eye contact. There is a big tree between me and the white owl and there is a hawk sitting on one of it's branches. The hawk is looking at me, look at the white owl, because my eyes are staring at something in the sky above him. The hawk turns his head, looks back, and see's the white owl flapping his wings, hovering in the blue sky. I have a feeling of panic and anxiety. The hawk leaves the tree, flys up to the white owl to attack, kill, and eat him, but the white owl fly's off. The hawk chases him, and bites his foot off. I am running towards the fighting birds in flight. I see what is happening and I am trying to save the white owl from the hawk. I feel scared and powerless in the dream. After a short time the white owl gets away and is on the ground next to me. I am mending the white owls foot.The owl is going to be okay because I am there to protect him from the hawk. I feel responsible for the white owl, and I care for it deeply.

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