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Dreams painting

Found 138 dreams containing painting - Page 12

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

It's my first day on college. My sister and some of my friends are with me, althought they don't go to the same college. They have all found their classroom and left me alone. I cn't find my own classroom and soon I get lost in the school. Soon I meet one of the professors, she tells me I'm a thief and that I brought everything I stole with me to the college. She shows me where I hid everything. Everything I stole filled and entire hallway. There were some stuff from ancient Egypt, ceramic bottles and paintings. Every professor in college was trying to clean up the mess I've made.

I was at summer school and i left. then i met up with my friend Waiyee and we walked around. we then saw one of our friends Coner and we started talking about summer school. then he got to where he was going and we just kept on walking. we then got to the school again but this time it had a small shop on the inside were we bought some frozen drinks. i then went back in side to get another straw and walked around the school looking for something. after walking around in a circle i saw Waiyee and we left the school. then all of a sudden i was not with anyone any more. i dont know how but i woke up in the frount seat of someones car. the sky arounf me seamed dull and gray and there was some snow on the ground. the time period had changed to about the 1800s to the 1900s but everthing was from the 21st century. the person driving the car was Jenna, from the pretty little liars. as we were driving down the highway she told me that she needed my help because she needed to talk to her brother. she was worried that she would turn into what he was now. i thought that was a abd thing because she said she didn't want it to happen. she had said that she was expricencing the same kind of things thats he waas experiencing before he went crazy. we then got to where we needed to be and we got out of the car. we then went into the ditch and she gave my a bunch of necklaces that had a black string and a single glass pentdant. each necklace had a differnt shape and a different colour. the colours in the pendants were metalicy and glittery. we were standing in front of a house that i didn't bother to look at because i was looking at the necklaces. i asked her what the necklaces were and she told me that i needed to keep them. she also told me to stay were i was while she went inside the house. as she was going to the house i started putting on all the necklaces. befrore Jenna even got to the house she came back and then my boyfriend was riding down highway on a horse. all of the suddend i was on a horse and riding it. i was being chased for a while then there was a magic thing that looked like a shoe and it came and knocked down highschool side. then i found out who the person chasing me was. he was lying on the ground a couple meters aways from me. he got up as i was standing and he seemed to be an evil person. i looked up to look at the face of my boyfriend Pablo. he was coming over to me with such evil i felt scared like he was going to kill me. then the magic shoe thing came over and knocked him down again. i didnt know what to do so i just stood there. he got up several more times and each time he got up the magic shoes thing knocked him down. i decided to run again. so i ran down the hallway towards the stairs and as i was doing it i heard that Pablo was chasing me again. i ran down the stairs and ran through the foyer towards the doors. i then took the turn towards the library and rran down the hallway to the theater. next i open the doors and i notcied that each time i opened a set of doors Pablo wouls catch up to me. so i ran into the girls washroom and sat in the corner next to the mirror. Pablo did not enter the bathroom. as i was in the bathroom there were some girls in there. they were painting some sweaters that were knited. the girl that was the faterest away from me walked over to the stall that was the closest to me, the only one that was closed and i shook my head. then she didn't pay attention to me again. the other didn't accnolegde that i was even in the room she looked over at me many times but never noticed that i was there. after some time i went out of the washroom but i didn't want to run anymore. i expected to be run over by Pablo but he was by the doors next th the washroom that lead outside. evrything seemed to be differnt and it seemed to be like the first part of the dream again, i was back in the present. when i came out of the washroom i walked toward the office and Pablo came to me, he had changed too. he seemed to be full of love not evil. he grabbed my right hand with his left and he looked at me like he didn't know what i was talking about. we were going to leave the school but i needed my jacket. we walked up the stairs and down the hallway to my locker. all of the necklaces that Jenna had given me had diapered but i had the felling that they had just left me at the school but i would see them again soon.

I was at my house and there was a boat in the music room. I didn't know why there was a boat in the living room but no one felt like moving it. I went outside and there was sea water a few feet down. This guy was scared and we let him in. Then i went to the bathroom turned on the cold water but it wouldnt turn off for some reason. This fixing guy came in and fixed it. A few days maybe weeks later it turned into a flood and we got into the boat in the music room. Our house was destroyed and we were sailing off. The inside of the boat looked like a cabin with those bunkbeds that had the uncomfortable green matresses and a giant bed in the middle of the floor. We, mom, dad, my cousin, and I were at the back of the boat freaking out. There was a huge bump and we hit a stand. We came out to see these robot people ( maybe we came into the future). They were painting each other purple and my cousin and I ran off without telling mom or dad. We came to the next town and these robot people were getting ready for some huge game. They said the kind of (I think it was England.) was the best at it and wanted to see you. So I lost my cousin getting there one way or anougher and I appeared in a plane with the king (robot king of course) He was purple to. He threw me out of the plane and there was a parachute on my back but i never pulled it. He was trying to get me to the bottom of this giant lake were this monster lived. I got out somehow I dont really remember and got back to mom, dad, and my cousin.

I was at Tesco and had to climb a huge tower and scaffolding to get across to tesco and a man met me there and was trying to make me do it and I didn't want to so I went to walk back to my car and I could sense him following me so I started to run and he pushed me back against his car boot and give me the key and tried to force me in and then went off to sort something real quick so I ran off into tesco to escape and this it turned out that I was at castlepoint so I ran out the side door of tesco into asda and then kept running through the car park and then suddenly I was sitting in a car telling a man to drive to b&q on the other side of castlepoint and I locked the doors and then we got stuck in a queue and the man was a few cars behind us and we had to have our ticket stamped so I gave the man his bag back and then we swerved out of the queue and he did some thumbs up signal to a man sitting down somewhere and then drove round alongside the queue hoping to get away from the man, while I was searching through the bag for the ticket, not realising that he would go alongside us and recognise us and then he opened the drivers door and tried to unlock my door and I was screaming drive drive drive and the man was trying to reverse whilst the attacker was trying to get in and we managed to escape and got outthe car and the man just seemed to be waiting for the attacker to come so I carried on through the airport door trying to dial 999 but I didn't know the pass code for the iphone and then I heard the man shouting run run run so I ran even faster and I could hear the attacker behind me and suddenly I was out in a wide space like west quay and bumped into jade and then ellie appeared trying to kill me and we were talking and she was threatening me and I was on the phone to the police but she didn't seem to care and then we were sitting at a table and lauren and natalie walked in and ellie's mum was there accussing me of doing something with a painting she had painted and I was on the phone to the police again and then the door slightly rose and we were next to the sea but there was a crane outside which the camera then circled and it was actually a robot and I surprised ellie by throwing her phone into the sea and her nan's phone and then I shoved the man's and someone else's phone down my pants so they wouldn't try to get them and then my lipstick in my pocket and then managed to throw ellie out into the sea and she was picked up by the crane and then I ran out of homebase and down a pathway to the vets and saw my necklace on the floor and picked it up and then kept running and got a text message from ellie threatening me so I knew she was alive and I was running faster trying to get away and I burst into the vets and someone asked me if I was lost and I said "no i'm not just waiting for my friend nelly" and they looked confused and I said "this is the vets right?" and it had been made into a beauty salon and she wasn't there and barbara came through and said "shame" and nana came through the door and was surprised to see me and I burst into tears telling her what a horrible day I'd had and asked if she could take me home at the end of her day because I'm too scared to walk alone and then I woke up.

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