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Dreams parking lot

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Well first i remember being chased but can't remember by what but i was really scared, i did not get caught but i remember being at my school and this baseball ran scared too. i saw on their shirts it said pirates and then i went into a school gym I'm guessing my school's but not sure were to many people and couldn't see clearly also was distracted because when i went in i automatically had to started talking with this boy, then he had to hurry back to basketball practice and i tried asking him a question but i got him kicked off the team but i stood up for him and got him back on. then i think as i left the gym i told my friend to get his number for me after he finished his practice. as i left the gym i found myself outside a dinner and as i passed the windows i saw him sitting with i think two friends or teammates but i got really shy. then i saw my mother buy something from the dinner and my mom, and i and some of my friends i guess were eating in the parking lot of the dinner standing. but i cant stop think of the cute boy while i am jumping from random dream to random dream of princess stories.

My dream started as a gathering of people looking at a building with a large wooden double door. The door opened and a woman of middle age wearing a flowing white and light blue robe type dress began to float out of the door with her arms slightly outstretched but low on her body(about even with her waist). She gives off a peaceful happy feeling but she seemed sad. All the people were excited and talking to one another as she emerged. I see a batch of horses near by and sneak away to visit them. Four of. the horses were brown with white blazes but one was white. Not pure white but a muddled dusty white. As I ran to greet the horses they began to frolic and play. I ran looked to the white horse and it was as if we communicated that we wanted to play.. I darted for the nearest tree as fast as I could. The horses bolted towards me in play. The white horse was in the lead and ran closely past the tree and I and ahead of it was a wire or cord dangling across two trees. The white horse jumped the wire and fell off a small 50ft cliff and crash landed in a parking lot for an industrial complex. The horse couldn't stand up. I screamed and looked around for help and several gaurd men ran angrily towards me so I ran. A girl around early 20's said she would help me so I ran with her to her house. Once we were inside we could hear guardsmen yelling and getting closer. The girl opens the door and said my name and that I was inside. They rushed in as I hid next to the couch . I thought to make myself invisible and it worked. The gaurd stood looking me directly in my face but could not see me. They left and I ran.

I went to church and the youth was playing sardeens and karl was hiding but we were all leaving but we needed to find him so we found him under chairs then when we get up I see shawn holding a cat and he's all lovey with his cat, then I go up to grace and she gives me a hug and then a piggy back ride and we go outside and follow shawn, then shawn turns into a cat and we chase him then grace steps on his back foot and breaks it off then I pick up the cat (shawn) and help it and notice that it only has half a leg. Then shawn goes into church but the cat is still alive. so I think I should go into the church so I lay the cat on its side in the parking lot and run to the church but the cat follows me with its limp so I get the front door and its blocked off so I pray outside with the cat

It was late at night I was in a neighborhood (apartment complex area) I call my ex and tell him to come outside. He does, and we talk. His mother comes outside holding a baby, and his brother and sisters do too. They talk to me for a bit asking me how I am, then they invite me in. I have something to drink and everyone falls asleep but my ex and I, we go up some sort of stairs because I wanted to see his bedroom. There is a huge bed and I climb onto in, he follows. We start making out and things progress a bit when we were interrupted because I received a phone call from my dad. He asks me where my sister is and I remember I dropped her off around the corner with her friend. I rush out of the house, and my ex follows. I kiss him goodbye and walk out. My sister appears in the parking lot, it seemed like it rained because there are puddles on the floor. My dad drives into the parking lot and tells us to go home then drives off. My sister and I get in the car and I text my ex goodnight. We get on a freeway and stop for has I check my phone and he had texted me "Night".

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