Dream of big, explosion, falling, sky, parking lot, tornado, died
I was in a parking lot, planes start falling from the sky then few moments later a tornado began and then a big explosion happen and I died.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of big in a dream
Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance. Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance.
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Meaning of explosion in a dream
Sudden, violent change. Ready to burst forth. Unjustly accused. To dream of explosions, portends that disapproving actions of those connected with you will cause you transient displeasure and loss, and that business will also displease you. To think your face, or the face of others, is blackened or mutilated, signifies you will be accused of indiscretion which will be unjust, though circumstances may convict you. To see the air filled with smoke and de'bris, denotes unusual dissatisfaction in business circles and much social antagonism. To think you are enveloped in the flames, or are up in the air where you have been blown by an explosion, foretells that unworthy friends will infringe on your rights and will abuse your confidence. Young women should be careful of associates of the opposite sex after a dream of this character.
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Meaning of falling in a dream
Loss of honor. Fear of failure. Loss of power and feeling out of control. Falling symbolizes descent into a problem. How you handle the fall in the dream will determine the outcome of the problem. Falling symbolizes descent into a problem. How you handle the fall in the dream will determine the outcome of the problem.
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Meaning of sky in a dream
Celestial. Limitless freedom. Looking for expansion, life without limits. To dream of the sky, signifies distinguished honors and interesting travel with cultured companions, if the sky is clear. Otherwise, it portends blasted expectations, and trouble with women. To dream of floating in the sky among weird faces and animals, and wondering all the while if you are really awake, or only dreaming, foretells that all trouble, the most excruciating pain, that reach even the dullest sense will be distilled into one drop called jealousy, and will be inserted into your faithful love, and loyalty will suffer dethronement. To see the sky turn red, indicates that public disquiet and rioting may be expected. See Heaven and Illumination
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Meaning of parking lot in a dream
To dream that you are in a parking lot suggests that you need to slow down and take some time to relax from your daily activities. To dream that you cannot find a parking space indicates your inability to find your place in life. You may still be on your quest to find your talent or niche where you belong. Alternatively, it may reflect your busy life and the lack of time you have. To dream that you are in a parking lot suggests that you need to slow down and take some time to relax from your daily activities. To dream that you cannot find a parking space indicates your inability to find your place in life. You may still be on your quest to find your talent or niche where you belong. Alternatively, it may reflect your busy life and the lack of time you have.
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Meaning of tornado in a dream
When a tornado appears, it is a symbol of confusion, chaos and emotional upset. It can also represent uncontrollable change that is going to occur in your life or the lives of other people present in the dream. When a tornado appears, it is a symbol of confusion, chaos and emotional upset. It can also represent uncontrollable change that is going to occur in your life or the lives of other people present in the dream. If you dream that you are in a tornado, you will be filled with disappointment and perplexity over the miscarriage of studied plans for swift attainment of fortune. See Hurricane.
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Meaning of died in a dream
Death is often the most feared of symbols for obvious reasons. But it can link to the thought off death or some eerie moment the day before that really scared you. But really death is not such a bad symbol overall. It may link to a situation that has just ended in your life or change or transition such as leaving a job. If a friend dies then it may simply mean that the friendship has been allowed to die and is now not as important. Death can also link to things that you cannot do now and limitations placed upon you. So overall look for changes and transitions in your life and your fears associated with them. Often your fears associated with this symbol are misplaced - the dream may simply mean that some very interesting TV show has just ended and you are having to fill the hole.
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