Understand My Dreams

Dreams demand

7/6 - I dreamt that I ordered pizza (it immediately appeared on the table) and it looked like there was just large slices of cheddar cheese on top and I started eating it but it was disgusting. I then remembered that we had leftover pizza from a better place so I asked my mom and she responded very sarcastically "Yes Trevor?" (Trevor is my cousin) (she was implying that he always asks for our left over pizza?!) and when I was looking for it, sitting in front if my fridge, I was frantically shoving food in my face (chocolate chips out of a plastic bag, everything) but none of it tasted good. I finally found the right pizza but that didn't taste good either. The whole while my sister’s boyfriend was watching me critically. 7/11 – I dreamt at school the kids learned how to clone themselves. It was really dangerous because the clones would be mutated and deranged. I was, at first, the only one who experimented with cloning and I organized a meeting (some secret society of students?) warning everyone else not to. Then, while I was in the bathroom / locker room I see this strangely deformed person walking towards me it appeared like he didn't have a head. I ran screaming into some guys shower (I don't know his name and he doesn't go to milford? he might have been Brendan from work??) and he tried to lie but eventually told me he made a clone of himself. I was furious. The bathroom / locker room was absolute chaos, water was spurting everywhere, people were vomiting, and it reeked. The kids were in charge of this place (it was like a secret hideout / meeting place that adults didn't know about) and we were responsible to clean it and keep it safe. I went into one of the bathroom stalls and I was having a panic attack and my parents were waiting outside the school to pick me up but I couldn't leave with all the clones running around and I was stepping on vomit and I was gagging. 7/21 – I dreamt my bonsai tree died. It was all dried up and light brown. All the leaves were still on it and it looked pretty but in a very sad way. When I asked my mom what happened, she angrily threw it out the window. 7/24 – I dreamt I was in the MHS pool with some other people and they were playing a game similar to volleyball in the deep end but I was the ball. So I would curl up and grab on to one of their fingers and they would fling me. 8/2 – I dreamt Jessie had really bad poison Ivy. I went into our room and she was sitting on her bed looking at a weird like spell book and she had something on the palm of her hand but I couldn't really see it. I sat down next to her and she takes my hand, palm facing up and touches the center while whispering something I couldn't hear. Next thing I know it was like I was being embroidered with an invisible needle. The string wove in and out of my skin, creating a little circular design which I promptly cut and pulled out because I was so freaked out and angry that she did that. It hurt. Little holes were left where the string went into my skin. 8/5 – I dreamt I was in an art museum and I went to take the elevator to go up (I was with someone else- Joan?) it got stuck like a foot away from the top and there is no way we could have reached the platform and it was tilted so we started yelling for help but then the cable gave out and we started free falling which seemed infinite. 8/11 – I dreamt I was at the mall in some busy shop where jewelry was sold and the guy who owned it was a jerk. So I was taking my rings off to try other ones on and I ended up losing my favorite gold ring that has a little heart on it and I was devastated. When I asked the owner if he had seen it he informed me that he sold it to someone else. After a lot if harassing, he eventually called the guy up and found his whereabouts, which happened to be still in the mall. He was in the "historical part of the mall" dressed up like a giant cheeseburger, his eyes could be seen in the mayonnaise part of it. So I went to go and look for him but then I see my friends and I go over to them to tell them what happened. All of a sudden Ansel Elgort and Mathew Gray Gubler and the giant cheeseburger come over to us, dancing and singing about nutrition. After they were done Ansel flopped on the couch to with us to take pictures but it seemed like my phone had infinite apps and I could not find the camera one. 8/12 – I dreamt I was on vacation in some log cabin with a lot of my family, (uncles aunts etc) One day I come home and I could kinda tell something was up so I frantically ask "Where is my violin?.." and my dad informed me that it was by the window. So I go over and I see it lying face down, next to it's case but not in it. I start to panic. I asked who moved it and why isn't it in it's case? They know better than to touch it... My dad said something like "Oh well me and all the uncles are going to have a lil two day Woodstock". I pick it up and I notice that the whole top piece of the instrument is missing and I am livid. I start screaming in a horribly high pitched voice demanding who did it. I see my Uncle Bill and there's something in his hand. Upon further examination I see that he has the top of the violin and he appeared to be wrapping it in plastic wrap. I started screaming at him and all he had was this strange little smile on his face as if this was all very amusing to him. I was yelling stuff like "THEY ARE SO COMPLEX AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HALF OF WHAT YOU DID" I woke up when I yelled (in my dream I yelled it but I really murmured it in real life) "I TRUSTED YOU!!" 8/15 – I dreamt there was a secret pool on the roof of MHS (but it wasn't like the literal roof, it still had a ceiling) everything was grey and cement like, except there were these orange tube lights lining the top of the walls. The water felt extremely heavy and I was having a hard time swimming in it. Other kids from the swim team were also there. It was as if we were warming up for a meet.

Someone came into the house and into my bedroom while i was sleeping. i didnt move i wasnt scared just didnt move because it was so dark. after the person left my room i jumped up and realized they stole my change jar. I grabbed another jar left our room found the guy in my bathroom and demanded he return the bottle then i hit him with the bottle i was holding. i notoced the bottle he had was near empty only like twenty cents in it and said where is the money? you were just in my room no time elapsed that the money could be gone. he said, please dont hit me again and then said getting the money back would be a tough thing. and then i woke up.

So there was this guy that I used to know, we were friends. He was the best friend of one of my ex boyfriend s. Anyway, last night I dreamed that he, name's Adam by the way, turned up on my doorstep asking me to hide him. So i did, I hid him in the storage area underneath our house. Then some scary men turned up and banged on the door. I refused to let them in and when they demanded I hand over Adam I pretended to not know what they were talking about. When they started describing him I was just all like "Oh yeah him, he hasn't really spoken to me since his best mate dumped me". Then when they started getting really scary (thumping fists on the door frame) I called the police. Then when the police responded, pretty quickly, they took the men away in handcuffs. Then I went back to Adam and found him curled up in a ball staring at the wall. He mumbled something about a demon and I turned around and saw it too. Then I straightened and said "I, the Descended One, command you to return to you Hellish dimension". They disappeared and I helped Adam up then out into the proper part of the house. Then he hugged me, really tightly and he said thank you. He was really dusty/dirty so I told him to have a shower. I got him like a towel and stuff as he followed me around, and then as I gave him everything and went to leave he grabbed my hand and asked me not to leave him. So i sat on the closed toilet lid looking at the mirror while he had a shower. When he was done he wrapped the towel around himself and came over to me and teasingly commented that I wasn't looking. I told him I thought he'd been through enough for one night without being watched by me. Then he got dressed and we went upstairs to the lounge room where he explained to mum and me that the men were after him because he'd stepped in and stopped them when they were trying to rape a girl. Mum said that it was time for bed and asked me to help her get some blankets and the spare mattress out for Adam. But I pointed out to her that doing that would wake up my brothers (even though after sleeping through all of that I doubt they would have been woken by something like that). So after my pointing out to mum that I have slept beside male friends and done nothing with them it was decided that Adam would sleep in my room. So we went downstairs and mum went to bed. Adam took the stuff out of his pockets and put it all on my bedside table then hopped into my bed. I got in beside him and he wrapped his arms around me after he turned out the lamp. He whispered "Thank you, I didn't really want to be alone". I replied "I know". And then I snuggled into him and we went to sleep. When I woke up in the dream he was already awake and I was still lying in his arms. He started to thank me for the night before but I put a finger on his lips and said "Don't ruin it". He smiled and just held me. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and mum came in to find me still seemingly asleep snuggled into Adam and him awake with his arm around me. She just asked how he slept and he told her fairly well and that I hadn't stirred during the night. Mum said how that was good then left. When she was gone I shared a smile with him then he leaned in slightly and kissed me! Then he whispered "I've been wanting to do that almost since I first met you". I smiled and then the dream kind of faded out.

I dreamt I was on vacation in some log cabin with a lot of my family, (uncles aunts etc) One day I come home and I could kinda tell something was up so I frantically ask "Where is my violin?.." and my dad informed me that it was by the window. So I go over and I see it lying face down, next to it's case but not in it. I start to panic. I asked who moved it and why isn't it in it's case? They know better than to touch it... My dad said something like "Oh well me and all the uncles are going to have a lil two day Woodstock". I pick it up and I notice that the whole top piece of the instrument is missing and I am livid. I start screaming in a horribly high pitched voice demanding who did it. I see my Uncle Bill and there's something in his hand. Upon further examination I see that he has the top of the violin and he appeared to be wrapping it in plastic wrap. I started screaming at him and all he had was this strange little smile on his face as if this was all very amusing to him. I was yelling stuff like "THEY ARE SO COMPLEX AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HALF OF WHAT YOU DID" I woke up when I yelled (in my dream I yelled it but I really murmured it in real life) "I TRUSTED YOU!!" I woke up feeling very very angry.

Making it the responsibility in the man or woman currently being slandered through unsubstantiated should certainly disprove them? I'd personally claim that Steve Kass features wicked flying apes dwelling interior his pursue, plus it could be the obligation to endure an unpleasant community anal examination to help disprove the promise. That is a video game liberals adore to enjoy, since their particular press lapdogs can make what ever promise they really want on page one along with printing a new a static correction on page 04 (if from all). Even when you include nothing on the gentleman, these kind of unsubstantiated effects merely provide you with and the ones as if you possibilities to publicise smears. You know that that can compare with to those statements, but you use them to kill every one of the adversaries of your respective idea of "the increased very good. " But I am certain that you'll be annoyed through the demands with regard to Obama to discharge his / her college or university transcripts or perhaps the accomplish their promises in relation to government visibility. doudoune canada goose

Sarkozy ha gi?sottratto alcuni elettori di Jean-Luc M閘enchon, messe in fila, Rivanazzano offrir?subito una ravvicinata serie di prove speciali, Anche la chiesa tra gloria e welfa? elle revient, En parall鑜e,In queste pagine la storia e l抋ttualit?s抜ntrecciano di continuo, a réussi à aller plus loin dans le jeu que Thomas et son attitude de Don Juan. il d閒end 間alement que le Pentagone a 閠?frapp?par un missile am閞icain et non par un avion et ce en d閜it d'une centaine de t閙oignages affirmant avoir vu un avion de ligne percuter le Pentagone Ses d閏larations d閏lenchent une pol閙ique et une condamnation de plusieurs m閐ias Quelques jours plus tard par communiqu?de presse il fait marche arri鑢e et promet de ne plus parler ?nouveau de ce sujetCependant l'ann閑 suivante il publie une s閞ie de treize vid閛s sur le sujet du 10 juin 2009 au 6 aot 2009 sur son site internet Le 28 octobre 2009 il participe ?un d閎at en direct sur France 2 ?l'閙ission de Guillaume Durand aux ct閟 de Mathieu Kassovitz et demande une fois de plus l'ouverture d'une nouvelle enqu阾e sur les attentats du 11 septembreLe 26 janvier 2011 TF1 annonce son casting de sa version de Dancing with the Stars Parmi les 8 candidats figurent Bigard Sa partenaire est la danseuse Fauve Otto Il est sauv?par le public pendant trois semaines mais 閏houe de peu aux portes de la demi-finale face ?Adriana Karembeu en r閏oltant 46% des voix Ramzy et JoeyStarr. tre economie in espansione. Désabonnement Newsletter

Driving through building yards with one of my grandaughters in the car, ended up being in town j livd in 23 yrs ago then I my old place of work. Inside were lots of young builders in work clothes there was music playing, one of the builder's kept raking me up to dance. Then I went through corridor and came out in town I live now. My ex son-in-law was there waiting for a ham he'd won in a raffle. Then I went outside to picnic area and was going to look for my car when a big female security guard appeared carrying a big bottle half filled with urine and demanded a sample from everyone before they could leave. I do not remember giving a sample or leaving.

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