Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of eggs, cage, chickens

3 chickens in ascending order in a too small cage. The chickens had the opportunity to get out, but didn't. They laid eggs. Some hatched.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 13 years ago on August 07, 2012

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of eggs in a dream

To dream of finding a nest of eggs, denotes wealth of a substantial character, happiness among the married and many children. This dream signifies many and varied love affairs to women. To eat eggs, denotes that unusual disturbances threaten you in your home. To see broken eggs and they are fresh, fortune is ready to shower upon you her richest gifts. A lofty spirit and high regard for justice will make you beloved by the world. To dream of rotten eggs, denotes loss of property and degradation. To see a crate of eggs, denotes that you will engage in profitable speculations. To dream of being spattered with eggs, denotes that you will sport riches of doubtful origin. To see bird eggs, signifies legacies from distant relations, or gain from an unexpected rise in staple products.

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Meaning of cage in a dream

Imprisoning of dangerous elements. Parts that need to be control or limit. Danger. In your dreaming if you see a cageful of birds, you will be the happy possessor of immense wealth and many beautiful and charming children. To see only one bird, you will contract a desirable and wealthy marriage. No bird indicates a member of the family lost, either by elopement or death. To see wild animals caged, denotes that you will triumph over your enemies and misfortunes. If you are in the cage with them, it denotes harrowing scenes from accidents while traveling.

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Meaning of chickens in a dream

To dream of seeing a brood of chickens, denotes worry from many cares, some of which of which will prove to your profit. Young or half grown chickens, signify fortunate enterprises, but to make them so you will have to exert your physical strength. To see chickens going to roost, enemies are planning to work you evil. To eat them, denotes that selfishness will detract from your otherwise good name. Business and love will remain in precarious states.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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What did you dream of?