Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of serpents


This dream was added to the dreams database first time 13 years ago on May 20, 2012

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of serpents in a dream

To dream of serpents, is indicative of cultivated morbidity and depressed surroundings. There is usually a disappointment after this dream. See Snakes

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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Hen the sky opened i saw pictures falling from sky.. Different faces of people and the last piece of photo was ur photo sis. It falls straight in front on me.. Then a man wearing white clothes like robe, his face is a bit blurry pick ur photo and from the time he pick ur pic i felt so worried and sad.. Then He didnt say a word, he gave me ur photo.. Then he point his finger in front of us, i saw two doors, one door on the left was a door of serpents, full of rust, vines and thornes. The serpent looked on me. But the man on a white robe pointed the right door, a door full of jewels, diamonds, stones of every color, it was so bright and shiny and peaceful. He told me Go, and He handed me ur photo..and i ask him wat will i do.. He smiled and pointed the right door And said nothing..

A ship, the colors and patterns of my room floats in on the shore, the people are docking it. Later theres a girl arguing with someone upset they're not going to make it to New Orleans. I escape and with me are two other people, one of them I sense is a friend, the other my rescue. We go out on a balcony overlooking the water under the moonlight, there are two water serpents or dragons, we both slither our tongues at each other. The friend is making comedic commentary, though I can't place who they are, as if there is a veil around my eyes. We go inside, he follows me frantically taking me up into his arms. It is only now that I noticed I'm wearing a backless velvet dress, like one I've thrifted before. He said he likes it, asking me if my mother made it. I look deeply into his eyes... We are dancing very close I can feel him, our hips and groin rubbing together. We're getting married he said, but I plea that I am already married, as my eyes dart towards the door.

What did you dream of?