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Dream of candles


This dream was added to the dreams database first time 2 months ago on December 13, 2024

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of candles in a dream

To see them burning with a clear and steady flame, denotes the constancy of those about you and a well-grounded fortune. For a maiden to dream that she is molding candles, denotes that she will have an unexpected offer of marriage and a pleasant visit to distant relatives. If she is lighting a candle, she will meet her lover clandestinely because of parental objections. To see a candle wasting in a draught, enemies are circulating detrimental reports about you. To snuff a candle, portends sorowful{sic} news. Friends are dead or in distressful straits.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

Similar Dreams

I find myself in an old high school. the school is huge, the building itself is square, it has 4 floors and a basement. the center of the building is open (picture the pentagon design center but with 4 sides). The building is Dark, it seems to be lit only by candles but no light source can be seen. the stairwells are located at each corner of the building and are massive built of old wood and marble steps. in my dream I am lost trying desperately to remember where my locker is. i cant remember where my locker is, I cant remember which class I am late for or where the classroom is. I know I am late and missing classes and I am panicked, running around each floor trying desperately to remember where I am supposed to be. The whole time I am aware I am not prepared for any class; no books or notebook. I have had this dream many times over the last year. I am 50 y.o. i am a Scorpio. born 10/26/1969

What did you dream of?