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Dream of stealing, bra, sun

Dream about someone stealing my shining bra I spread in Sun to dry

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 12 months ago on March 04, 2024

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of stealing in a dream

If the dreamer is the one doing the stealing, this is a warning of financial troubles ahead and a need to be frugal, no matter how well you seem to be doing now. Dreaming of getting caught stealing, however, is a dream of contrary meaning and implies good luck. If someone steals from you, then someone is trying to encroach on your territory in some way, and perhaps to take full credit for something you’ve accomplished. See Robber. If the dreamer is the one doing the stealing, this is a warning of financial troubles ahead and a need to be frugal, no matter how well you seem to be doing now. Dreaming of getting caught stealing, however, is a dream of contrary meaning and implies good luck. If someone steals from you, then someone is trying to encroach on your territory in some way, and perhaps to take full credit for something you’ve accomplished. See Robber. To dream of stealing, or of seeing others commit this act, foretells bad luck and loss of character. To be accused of stealing, denotes that you will be misunderstood in some affair, and suffer therefrom, but you will eventually find that this will bring you favor. To accuse others, denotes that you will treat some person with hasty inconsideration.

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Meaning of bra in a dream

Expression of femininity. Private self. Temptation approaching. Expression of femininity. Private self. Temptation approaching.

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Meaning of sun in a dream

Life. Energy. Continuity. You are producing something worthy. To dream of seeing a clear, shining sunrise, foretells joyous events and prosperity, which give delightful promises. To see the sun at noontide, denotes the maturity of ambitions and signals unbounded satisfaction. To see the sunset, is prognostic of joys and wealth passing their zenith, and warns you to care for your interests with renewed vigilance. A sun shining through clouds, denotes that troubles and difficulties are losing hold on you, and prosperity is nearing you. If the sun appears weird, or in an eclipse, there will be stormy and dangerous times, but these will eventually pass, leaving your business and domestic affairs in better forms than before.

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Eli Rabanim
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