Driving up to a circular road with a cliff on the end at full speed
Dream of road, advertisement, girls, chin chin
Some group of girls were make advertisement on the road and offered me chin chin to eat in dream
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of road in a dream
Achievement of something. Direction. Ask yourself about your life's path. Traveling over a rough, unknown road in a dream, signifies new undertakings, which will bring little else than grief and loss of time. If the road is bordered with trees and flowers, there will be some pleasant and unexpected fortune for you. If friends accompany you, you will be successful in building an ideal home, with happy children and faithful wife, or husband. To lose the road, foretells that you will make a mistake in deciding some question of trade, and suffer loss in consequence.
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Meaning of advertisement in a dream
To dream that you are getting out advertisements, denotes that you will have to resort to physical labor to promote your interest, or establish your fortune. To read advertisements, denotes that enemies will overtake you, and defeat you in rivalry.
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Meaning of girls in a dream
To dream of seeing a well, bright-looking girl, foretells pleasing prospects and domestic joys. If she is thin and pale, it denotes that you will have an invalid in your family, and much unpleasantness. For a man to dream that he is a girl, he will be weak-minded, or become an actor and play female parts.
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Meaning of chin chin in a dream
Chin Chin in a dream may signify a few different things. Chin Chin as food or restaurant may just be a place where the dreamer have passed before and thinking of. Chin Chin as a toast of glasses may indicates a success that coming into the life of the dreamer.
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