Dream of fruit, pepper
I see pepper fruit in my dreams,what does it mean
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of fruit in a dream
To dream of seeing fruit ripening among its foliage, usually foretells to the dreamer a prosperous future. Green fruit signifies disappointed efforts or hasty action. For a young woman to dream of eating green fruit, indicates her degradation and loss of inheritance. Eating fruit is unfavorable usually. To buy or sell fruit, denotes much business, but not very remunerative. To see or eat ripe fruit, signifies uncertain fortune and pleasure.
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Meaning of pepper in a dream
To dream of pepper burning your tongue, foretells that you will suffer from your acquaintances through your love of gossip. To see red pepper growing, foretells for you a thrifty and an independent partner in the marriage state. To see piles of red pepper pods, signifies that you will aggressively maintain your rights. To grind black pepper, denotes that you will be victimized by the wiles of ingenious men or women. To see it in stands on the table, omens sharp reproaches or quarrels. For a young woman to put it on her food, foretells that she will be deceived by her friends.
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