Dream of computer, screen
I dreamed i got sucked into my computer screen
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of computer in a dream
Facility of communication.high technology. New areas opening.
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Meaning of screen in a dream
Interpretation of dreams on screen represents your desire to always be a better version of yourself. Solving a dream on screen encourages you to continue to love yourself. A dream on a screen door symbolizes emotional or psychological filtering. Something I like to think about, but do not want to expose myself to the real thing. A sign that you want to enjoy something, but do not want to face the reality of it. A screen door can also be a representation of protection status. Take it easy and ignore what you do not like. Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a beautiful girl behind the screen door. The girl was a coveted person, she still had family and friends that the dreamer did not like. The screen door reflects his desire to fantasize about it, ignoring the unpleasant reality of his friends and family…. A dream on a sifting screen symbolizes the careful analysis of the area of your cleaning life. Keep what is important in your life and remove what is not. Example: A man once dreamed of a strainer screen while in the process of giving his house a spring cleaning
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