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Dream of eating, rice

Sitting and eating cooked rice and dal

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 1 year ago on January 05, 2024

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of eating in a dream

Satisfaction. Pleasure. Happiness is assured. Eating alone can represent loneliness or depression, while eating with others can signify harmony and intimacy. Refusing to eat might mean you wish to become more self-reliant in your life. Eating alone can represent loneliness or depression, while eating with others can signify harmony and intimacy. Refusing to eat might mean you wish to become more self-reliant in your life. To dream of eating alone, signifies loss and melancholy spirits. To eat with others, denotes personal gain, cheerful environments and prosperous undertakings. If your daughter carries away the platter of meat before you are done eating, it foretells that you will have trouble and vexation from those beneath you or dependent upon you. The same would apply to a waiter or waitress. See other subjects similar.

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Meaning of rice in a dream

Rice is good to see in dreams, as it foretells success and warm friendships. Prosperity to all trades is promised, and the farmer will be blessed with a bounteous harvest. To eat it, signifies happiness and domestic comfort. To see it mixed with dirt or otherwise impure, denotes sickness and separation from friends. For a young woman to dream of cooking it, shows she will soon assume new duties, which will make her happier, and she will enjoy wealth.

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Eli Rabanim
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Danit Elihav

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