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Dream of oil, coat

I picked oil bean coat in my dream

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 1 year ago on August 03, 2023

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of oil in a dream

Slippery. Shiny. Seeking for more freedom of movement. To dream of anointing with oil, foretells events in which you will be the particular moving power. Quantities of oil, prognosticates excesses in pleasurable enterprises. For a man to dream that he deals in oil, denotes unsuccessful love making, as he will expect unusual concessions. For a woman to dream that she is anointed with oil, shows that she will be open to indiscreet advances.

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Meaning of coat in a dream

Wearing a coat or jacket in your dream may represent a defensive act on your part - armor of some sort. Study the situation in which you are wearing it. The coat or jacket may also represent how you would like others to see you. What color is the jacket? Open or buttoned up? Ostentatious or subdued? Compare the jacket's attributes with how you conduct yourself in waking life. Wearing a coat or jacket in your dream may represent a defensive act on your part - armor of some sort. Study the situation in which you are wearing it. The coat or jacket may also represent how you would like others to see you. What color is the jacket? Open or buttoned up? Ostentatious or subdued? Compare the jacket's attributes with how you conduct yourself in waking life. To dream of wearing another's coat, signifies that you will ask some friend to go security for you. To see your coat torn, denotes the loss of a close friend and dreary business. To see a new coat, portends for you some literary honor. To lose your coat, you will have to rebuild your fortune lost through being over-confident in speculations. See Apparel and Clothes

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
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Danit Elihav

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