Dream of rat, saw
I saw a rat comming toward me
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of rat in a dream
Street smarts. Sneaky and untrustworthy. They foretell serious trouble to come but unfinished business will be successful. To dream of rats, denotes that you will be deceived, and injured by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions is also foreboded. To catch rats, means you will scorn the baseness of others, and worthily outstrip your enemies. To kill one, denotes your victory in any contest. See Mice.
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Meaning of saw in a dream
To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.
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