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Dream of dreaming, enemy, naked

Dreaming about an enemy naked

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 1 year ago on May 13, 2023

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of dreaming in a dream

Creating stage. Walking to inner reality. Impossible desires. Emotional sorrow.

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Meaning of enemy in a dream

Troubles. Ready to act. Awareness. To dream that you overcome enemies, denotes that you will surmount all difficulties in business, and enjoy the greatest prosperity. If you are defamed by your enemies, it denotes that you will be threatened with failures in your work. You will be wise to use the utmost caution in proceeding in affairs of any moment. To overcome your enemies in any form, signifies your gain. For them to get the better of you is ominous of adverse fortunes. This dream may be literal.

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Meaning of naked in a dream

Public display. Exposed. Vulnerable. Loss of ambitions. Being naked in a dream typically means that your actions, ideas or feelings are exposed and that you have to deal with this fact from a vulnerable position. Being naked in a dream typically means that your actions, ideas or feelings are exposed and that you have to deal with this fact from a vulnerable position. To dream that you are naked, foretells scandal and unwise engagements. To see others naked, foretells that you will be tempted by designing persons to leave the path of duty. Sickness will be no small factor against your success. To dream that you suddenly discover your nudity, and are trying to conceal it, denotes that you have sought illicit pleasure contrary to your noblest instincts and are desirous of abandoning those desires. For a young woman to dream that she admires her nudity, foretells that she will win, but not hold honest men's regard. She will win fortune by her charms. If she thinks herself ill-formed, her reputation will be sullied by scandal. If she dreams of swimming in clear water naked, she will enjoy illicit loves, but nature will revenge herself by sickness, or loss of charms. If she sees naked men swimming in clear water, she will have many admirers. If the water is muddy, a jealous admirer will cause ill-natured gossip about her.

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
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Danit Elihav

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