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Dream of laundry, chasing, type

Ronald Mcdonald was outside chasing me around a backrooms type laundry

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 1 year ago on April 20, 2023

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of laundry in a dream

Cleansing. Purification. Joy and prosperity. To dream of laundering clothes, denotes struggles, but a final victory in winning fortune. If the clothes are done satisfactorily, then your endeavors will bring complete happiness. If they come out the reverse, your fortune will fail to procure pleasure. To see pretty girls at this work, you will seek pleasure out of your rank. If a laundryman calls at your house, you are in danger of sickness, or of losing something very valuable. To see laundry wagons, portends rivalry and contention.

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Meaning of chasing in a dream

If you are being chased it means that you are running away from rather than facing an issue. It also may mean that you are trying to break a social code or live your life on your own terms. If you are being chased it means that you are running away from rather than facing an issue. It also may mean that you are trying to break a social code or live your life on your own terms.

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Meaning of type in a dream

To see type in a dream, portends unpleasant transactions with friends. For a woman to clean type, foretells she will make fortunate speculations which will bring love and fortune.

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Gal Faitelson
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Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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