Dream of lambs
I had a dream I held two lambs.. one was slightly bigger, and peed on me but I nursed them. They were happy
This dream was added to the dreams database first time 1 year ago on March 25, 2023
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of lambs in a dream
To dream of lambs being slaughtered means that innocent people will suffer at the hands of villains. However, dreamers who don't subscribe to dreams as a means of forecasting the future, but rather as a mirror of our own subconscious, may find that lambs tend to represent innocence or ignorance. To dream of lambs being slaughtered means that innocent people will suffer at the hands of villains. However, dreamers who don't subscribe to dreams as a means of forecasting the future, but rather as a mirror of our own subconscious, may find that lambs tend to represent innocence or ignorance.
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