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Dream of drowning, ticks, dog

Dog drowning, resuscitation dog has ticks

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 2 years ago on October 09, 2022

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of drowning in a dream

Going under emotionally. Losing all what you have. Big ruin ahead. Being overwhelmed by an emotional issue. Being overwhelmed by an emotional issue. To dream of drowning, denotes loss of property and life; but if you are rescued, you will rise from your present position to one of wealth and honor. To see others drowning, and you go to their relief, signifies that you will aid your friend to high places, and will bring deserved happiness to yourself. For a young woman to see her sweetheart drowned, denotes her bereavement by death.

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Meaning of ticks in a dream

To dream you see ticks crawling on your flesh, is a sign of impoverished circumstances and ill health. Hasty journeys to sick beds may be made. To mash a tick on you, denotes that you will be annoyed by treacherous enemies. To see in your dreams large ticks on stock, enemies are endeavoring to get possession of your property by foul means.

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Meaning of dog in a dream

To dream about a dog that fondles you indicates great gain and constant friends. To hear the barking of dogs foretells news of a depressing nature. Difficulties are more likely to follow. Loyalty. A growling or ferocious dog may symbolize betrayal, distrust, or deterioration of personal principles. A dog bite is a sign of an unbalanced life. A dog barking happily signifies pleasant social activities. A dog barking ferociously signifies bad company. To dream of buying a dog can be a sign that you are seeking new relationships (or maybe you just want a dog!). Loyalty. A growling or ferocious dog may symbolize betrayal, distrust, or deterioration of personal principles. A dog bite is a sign of an unbalanced life. A dog barking happily signifies pleasant social activities. A dog barking ferociously signifies bad company. To dream of buying a dog can be a sign that you are seeking new relationships (or maybe you just want a dog!).

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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