Understand My Dreams basa"d

Dream of museum

John McAfee Museum of DogeSex

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 3 years ago on July 05, 2022

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of museum in a dream

To dream of a museum, denotes you will pass through many and varied scenes in striving for what appears your rightful position. You will acquire useful knowledge, which will stand you in better light than if you had pursued the usual course to learning. If the museum is distasteful, you will have many causes for vexation.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

Similar Dreams

My grandfather recently passed away, 4 months ago. I was with him, holding his hand when he passed gently at 93 years old and in reasonably good health. I am currently having a painting done of he and my grandmother in their WW2 uniforms that will hang in the local military museum (he never new I was having it done as it was only after he passed I found an artist for it)... In my dream, my 3 uncles and mother had led me to believe he had died but instead they moved him to another seniors home. I found out and was trying to find him. I could see him and knew he couldn't understand why I never came to visit him anymore but I couldn't get to him to tell him I was told he had died. In my dream I found out he knew about the painting. I kept telling myself this cant be, I was there with him when he died. I SAW him die. How can he still be alive and why would I have been lied to and why can I not get to him now to tell him I didn't know he was still alive, that's why I hadn't come.

What did you dream of?