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Dream of school, wife, high school

I dreamed of a high school crush and I was having an affair and his wife found out and left him.

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 3 years ago on September 07, 2021

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of school in a dream

Discipline. Instruction. You have the skills to resolve a problem. This type of dream relates to your current "lesson in life," and if you learn how to interpret it, you'll find out how you are progressing. If the people you used to know in your school are friendly toward you (especially people of the opposite sex), it can show you have a healthy self-esteem. This type of dream relates to your current "lesson in life," and if you learn how to interpret it, you'll find out how you are progressing. If the people you used to know in your school are friendly toward you (especially people of the opposite sex), it can show you have a healthy self-esteem. To dream of attending school, indicates distinction in literary work. If you think you are young and at school as in your youth, you will find that sorrow and reverses will make you sincerely long for the simple trusts and pleasures of days of yore. To dream of teaching a school, foretells that you will strive for literary attainments, but the bare necessities of life must first be forthcoming. To visit the schoolhouse of your childhood days, portends that discontent and discouraging incidents overshadows the present.

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Meaning of wife in a dream

Partner. Commitment. Eternity. To dream of your wife, denotes unsettled affairs and discord in the home. To dream that your wife is unusually affable, denotes that you will receive profit from some important venture in trade. For a wife to dream her husband whips her, foretells unlucky influences will cause harsh criticism in the home and a general turmoil will ensue.

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Meaning of high school in a dream

To dream of a high school, foretells ascension to more elevated positions in love, as well as social and business affairs. For a young woman to be suspended from a high school, foretells she will have troubles in social circles.

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Human Dream Interpreter

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Image of Gal Faitelson - a dream interpreter
Gal Faitelson
Image of Eli Rabanim - a dream interpreter
Eli Rabanim
Image of Danit Elihav - a dream interpreter
Danit Elihav

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