Dream of stall, newborn, barn, brown, corner, foal, sleep, dark, door, open, mare
I was in a barn. It was dimly lit. I was at an open stall door, watching a newborn foal sleep. The mare was in the far corner, also dozing. She was a dark brown. The foal was blonde.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of stall in a dream
To dream of a stall, denotes impossible results from some enterprise will be expected by you.
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Meaning of newborn in a dream
Happiness. Rebirth. Trust. Happiness. Rebirth. Trust. As an object in dreams, a baby or child represents something that requires great care and attention. The meaning can change depending on whether it is your original responsibility or one that has been passed off on you by someone else. These dreams may also have wish-fulfilment content for women who are in their childbearing years. For men, the dreams may be anxiety-related, especially if you are sexually active without wanting to experience the consequences of fathering a child. As an object in dreams, a baby or child represents something that requires great care and attention. The meaning can change depending on whether it is your original responsibility or one that has been passed off on you by someone else. These dreams may also have wish-fulfilment content for women who are in their childbearing years. For men, the dreams may be anxiety-related, especially if you are sexually active without wanting to experience the consequences of fathering a child. To dream of crying babies, is indicative of ill health and disappointments. A bright, clean baby, denotes love requited, and many warm friends. Walking alone, it is a sure sign of independence and a total ignoring of smaller spirits. If a woman dream she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most. It is a bad sign to dream that you take your baby if sick with fever. You will have many sorrows of mind.
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Meaning of barn in a dream
Will win a law suit. Inheritance. Will win a law suit. Inheritance. If well filled with ripe and matured grain, and perfect ears of corn, with fat stock surrounding it, it is an omen of great prosperity. If empty, the reverse may be expected.
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Meaning of brown in a dream
This is an auspicious color to dream about:signifies freedom, success, money and happy and long-lasting union. The earth. Worldliness. The earth. Worldliness.
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Meaning of corner in a dream
No escape. Hidden Unavoidable. Beware of choices. Loneliness and trouble. This is an unfavorable dream if the dreamer is frightened and secretes himself in a corner for safety. To see persons talking in a corner, enemies are seeking to destroy you. The chances are that some one whom you consider a friend will prove a traitor to your interest.
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Meaning of foal in a dream
To dream of a foal, indicates new undertakings in which you will be rather fortunate.
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Meaning of sleep in a dream
To dream of sleeping on clean, fresh beds, denotes peace and favor from those whom you love. To sleep in unnatural resting places, foretells sickness and broken engagements. To sleep beside a little child, betokens domestic joys and reciprocated love. To see others sleeping, you will overcome all opposition in your pursuit for woman's favor. To dream of sleeping with a repulsive person or object, warns you that your love will wane before that of your sweetheart, and you will suffer for your escapades. For a young woman to dream of sleeping with her lover or some fascinating object, warns her against yielding herself a willing victim to his charms.
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Meaning of dark in a dream
Mystery. The unknown and unformed. A place of fear or of potential. Difficulties ahead. To dream of darkness overtaking you on a journey, augurs ill for any work you may attempt, unless the sun breaks through before the journey ends, then faults will be overcome. To lose your friend, or child, in the darkness, portends many provocations to wrath. Try to remain under control after dreaming of darkness, for trials in business and love will beset you.
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Meaning of door in a dream
Access. Ready to enter or something to keep private. Happiness and long life. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. A door may be seen as a calling for Christ. Jesus knocks on the door of thy home temple, and awaits for us to open up to him, and welcome him in. In thy dream if the door is open that may signify acceptance to the Lord. If in thy dream the door is shut the accecptance is yet to be known sometime somewhere. To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home. If it is this door you dream of entering, your days will be filled with plenty and congeniality. To dream of entering a door at night through the rain, denotes, to women, unpardonable escapades; to a man, it is significant of a drawing on his resources by unwarranted vice, and also foretells assignations. To see others go through a doorway, denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs into a paying condition. It also means changes to farmers and the political world. To an author, it foretells that the reading public will reprove his way of stating facts by refusing to read his later works. To dream that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend's misfortune and be powerless to aid him.
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Meaning of open in a dream
Entrance and exit. Exposed. Opportunity. Potential. Ready to make a choice.
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Meaning of mare in a dream
To dream of seeing mares in pastures, denotes success in business and congenial companions. If the pasture is barren, it foretells poverty, but warm friends. For a young woman, this omens a happy marriage and beautiful children. See Horse.
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