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Dream of hands, murder, cream, hoe

Being framed for murder that I was framed by cream rapper after mudering my stepsister he then put a hoe in my hands then people found me with it but I succussefully rane away no one believed me that I didn't

This dream was added to the dreams database first time 4 years ago on December 31, 2020

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of hands in a dream

dreaming on hands holding you means the dream is real and will fulfill itself. dreaming on hands with coins means you have done something wrong and you want to be good again.

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Meaning of murder in a dream

Violent end.Loss of control over a situation.Sorrow and failure. If you yourself commit murder in your dream it symbolises dishonourable situations that will tarnish your repretation. You may also have repressed hostile feelings or aggression at yourself or others. To witness murder in your dreams, it is a warning of approaching sorrow due to the action of others. To dream that you are murdered, describes rivals conspiring to ruin you. If you yourself commit murder in your dream it symbolises dishonourable situations that will tarnish your repretation. You may also have repressed hostile feelings or aggression at yourself or others. To witness murder in your dreams, it is a warning of approaching sorrow due to the action of others. To dream that you are murdered, describes rivals conspiring to ruin you. To see murder committed in your dreams, foretells much sorrow arising from the misdeeds of others. Affair will assume dulness. Violent deaths will come under your notice. If you commit murder, it signifies that you are engaging in some dishonorable adventure, which will leave a stigma upon your name. To dream that you are murdered, foretells that enemies are secretly working to overthrow you. See Killing

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Meaning of cream in a dream

To dream of seeing cream served, denotes that you will be associated with wealth if you are engaged in business other than farming. To the farmer, it indicates fine crops and pleasant family relations. To drink cream yourself, denotes immediate good fortune. To lovers, this is a happy omen, as they will soon be united.

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Meaning of hoe in a dream

To dream of seeing a hoe, denotes that you will have no time for idle pleasures, as there will be others depending upon your work for subsistence. To dream of using a hoe, you will enjoy freedom from poverty by directing your energy into safe channels. For a woman to dream of hoeing, she will be independent of others, as she will be self-supporting. For lovers, this dream is a sign of faithfulness. To dream of a foe striking at you with a hoe, your interests will be threatened by enemies, but with caution you will keep aloof from real danger.

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