Dream of green, fairy, will, jesus, book, box
I had a book and it had a lot of things like if you say abra cadabra it will spawn the undead but spawned jesus but he was stuck in a green box so he sent a fairy out and she could grant me as many wishes as i wanted so i wanted my room to professionally cleaned and they did
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of green in a dream
Growth and serenity. There are projects which you are enthusiastic about. Great pleasures from simple things.
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Meaning of fairy in a dream
To dream of a fairy, is a favorable omen to all classes, as it is always a scene with a beautiful face portrayed as a happy child, or woman.
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Meaning of will in a dream
To dream you are making your will, is significant of momentous trials and speculations. For a wife or any one to think a will is against them, portends that they will have disputes and disorderly proceedings to combat in some event soon to transpire. If you fail to prove a will, you are in danger of libelous slander. To lose one is unfortunate for your business. To destroy one, warns you that you are about to be a party to treachery and deceit.
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Meaning of jesus in a dream
Dreaming about Jesus might be two things. A megalomaniac aspiration thinking it is all about me - This is the case where you dream about yourself as Jesus. Other indication when you see yourself as Jesus in your dream might be that you feel bad things are happening to you which you do not deserve. Like a martyr and you still have to carry on. Dreaming of Jesus and seeing Jesus in your dream may also in a spiritual way show the connection between you to god, to life and this is a true and genuine connection.
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Meaning of book in a dream
Information. Guidance. Record keeping. Information. Guidance. Record keeping. Dreaming of a book typically signifies escape or pursuit of knowledge, depending on the subject matter of the book in question. The book's subject can give clarity to an issue you are having in your waking life. A book's presence may symbolize a methodical, paced approach to a problem you are trying to solve. Dreaming of a book typically signifies escape or pursuit of knowledge, depending on the subject matter of the book in question. The book's subject can give clarity to an issue you are having in your waking life. A book's presence may symbolize a methodical, paced approach to a problem you are trying to solve.
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Meaning of box in a dream
Want to keep something safe. Enclose. Contain. Want to keep something safe. Enclose. Contain. Opening a goods box in your dream, signifies untold wealth and that delightful journeys to distant places may be made with happy results. If the box is empty disappointment in works of all kinds will follow. To see full money boxes, augurs cessation from business cares and a pleasant retirement.
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